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该誓言所采取的贾殷和尚是更加严峻。The vows taken by the Jain monks are more severe.

非耆那教徒也表达了对耆那教盛典的很高的崇敬。The non-Jains also express high reverence for this Jain festival.

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Jain说,预计可在印度看到部分挂有沃尔沃招牌的店面。Mr. Jain said India can expect to see some stores with Wal-Mart signs on them.

这桩交易之后,已经有三家同样是耆那教信徒的公司询问同一建筑其他房产的情况。since then, three other Jain companies have inquired about other floors in the building.

“老百姓成了月球探索的参与者,”Jain说,“这是前所未有的。”“People become part of moon exploration, ” Mr. Jain said, “and that has never been done before.”

詹恩及卡姆列特两人的背景给血管新生的研究带来互补的效果。RAKESH K. JAIN and PETER F. CARMELIET bring complementary backgrounds to the study of angiogenesis.

孟买,新娘在耆那教婚礼上喂新郎。耆那教婚礼要举行一系列感谢神的仪式。In Mumbai, a bride feeds the groom at a Jain wedding, which requires a series of rituals thanking deities.

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高达和贾恩承认在建厂地点上对阿尔瓦进行了施压,但否认殴打工人或对阿尔瓦进行过敲诈。Messrs. Gowda and Jain admit pressuring Mr. Alva about the sites but deny roughing up workers or extorting him.

耆那教和全世界其他宗教团体一样每年都为许多社会和宗教事务举行仪式。The Jain community like other communities throughout the world celebrates many social and religious functions annually.

一家耆那教的国际研究学校将提供短期交流课程以及耆那教研讨班。耆那教是一种来自印度的宗教。An International School of Jain Studies will offer short-term exchange programs and seminars on Jainism, a religion from India.

专注于滴灌系统的公司,滴灌是一种具有惊人灌溉效率的灌溉技术,这家公司也在我的组合之内。Jain Irrigation Systems, which specializes in extremely efficient drip irrigation systems, is the other irrigation pick I'd make.

在这十天的盛典中,他们全神贯注地听着圣明之人和知识渊博的耆那修道者安排的神圣的训诫。They listen with rapt attention to the holy sermons of the saints and learned Jain scholars arranged during the ten-day festival.

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高达和贾恩再次和抗议者一起出现了,他们认为这块地不应该给Skanray,因为当地一座寺庙需要这块地。Messrs. Gowda and Jain again showed up with protesters, arguing this plot shouldn't go to Skanray because a local temple needed access.

一个强大的影响力,印度食品是长期素食节在印度的印度教,佛教和耆那教社区。Onestrong influence over Indian foods is the longstanding vegetarianismwithin sections of India's Hindu, Buddhist and Jain communities.

同时,伊斯兰、印度和东南亚文明取得了大量的成就,从波斯诗集和数学到吴哥窟和耆那寺庙。Meanwhile, Islamic, Indian and Southeast Asian cultures produced great achievements, from Persian poetry and math to Angkor Wat and Jain temples.

2012年,联席首席执行官贾因和菲辰受命接替传奇式人物约瑟夫•阿克曼,两人制定了雄心勃勃的财务目标,但最终所有主要目标都落空了,实际悬殊甚远。Appointed in 2012 to succeed the legendary Josef Ackermann, co-CEOs Jain and Fitschen set ambitious financial goals, and missed all of the big ones by a spectacular margin.

我希望耆那教义的精神火把为踏上苦难,偏狭,无序之路的黑暗世界带来真理与和平共存的光亮。I hope this spiritual torch of Jain precepts will show light of truth and peaceful coexistence to the benighted world treading the path of bitterness, intolerance and discord.

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詹恩是几家药厂与生技公司的顾问,同时也是美国国家工程学院与国家医学研究院的院士。Jain also serves as an adviser to several pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and is a member of both the National Academy of Engineering and the Institute of Medicine.

Jain称,欧元区债务危机,加上美元和欧元疲弱,也抑制新兴市场对西方的出口,令人更难发现好的长线投资标的.The euro zone debt crisis and the weak dollar and euro are also putting a brake on emerging markets exports to the West, making long-term performers harder to find, said Jain.

高达和贾恩再次阻挠,说这座工厂所在地严格来说处于Skanray地块的边界之外,并且对环境造成威胁。Messrs. Gowda and Jain objected again, saying the factory was being erected on land technically outside the boundaries of Skanray's plot and that it threatened the environment.