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而气体在2000度以上才能电离。But the gas can ionize above 2000 degrees.

大多数无机盐在水溶液中离解。Most inorganic salts ionize in water solution.

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复合过程产生的辐射可能使同一原子核素的另一个原子发生电离。Recombination radiation can ionize another atom of the same species.

太多电荷集中在尖角时,会令空气电离,产生电风。Too many charge concentrate at a sharp point may ionize the air and produced electric wind.

阴离子型聚电解质在极性溶剂中会发生电离,导致大分子链上带有大量的净负电荷。Anionic polyelectrolytes can ionize in polar solvent, forming macromolecule chains with lots of anionic charge.

当一个大质量原星接近主星序时,它的表面温度是低的,因而不能电离周围的气体。When a massive proto-star approaches the main sequence, its surface temperature is low and it can not ionize the ambient gas.

所以如果我们可以计算出结合能,我们也可以计算出,我们需要注入多少能量到原子中,去逐出或电离一个电子。So if we can figure out the binding energy, we can also figure out how much energy we have to put into our atom in order to a eject or ionize an electron.

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中微子反应中出现的粒子将会使液氩电离,产生的电流顺着储罐边缘的电线传输。A particle emerging from a neutrino interaction would ionize the argon atoms in its path, inducing currents in arrays of wires at the perimeter of the tank.

质谱仪包括使诸如氦之类的示踪气体离子化的离子源、偏转这些离子的磁铁以及检测这些偏转离子的检测器。The mass spectrometer includes an ion source to ionize trace gases, such as helium, a magnet to deflect the ions and a detector to detect the deflected ions.

当时他们用这种激光来激发并电离那些被火焰的高温裂解出来的原子,目的是测量不同火焰的特征辐射。They were using the laser to excite and ionize the atoms liberated by the heat of the flame in order to measure the characteristic emissions of different flames.

例如在氢原子里面,如果你取一个结合能,它的负数就是。So, for example, in a hydrogen atom, if you take the binding energy, the negative of that is going to be how much energy you have to put in to ionize the hydrogen atom.

当你用光照射一个,你要研究的原子,来得到它的光电子能谱时,你要确保,注入的能量足够,令原子中的任何一个电子被发射出来。And what happens when you irradiate one of these atoms that you're studying with this light is in photoelectron spectroscopy, you want to make sure that you put in enough energy to actually ionize any single electron that you have in the atom.

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原因是,铝的有效核电量更少,所以没有被原子核束缚得更紧,而如果没有被束缚得更紧,你为了电离它所需要注入的能量也就更少,这就是,它的电离能会更低的原因。The reason it's aluminum is because aluminum has a lower z effective, so it's not being pulled in as tightly by the nucleus, and if it's not being pulled in as tightly, you're going to have to put in less energy in order to ionize it, so that's why it's actually going to have the smaller ionization energy.

那么,E,i,即入射光子所具有的能量,如果足够大到使原子发射出一个电子,则电子就会被发射出来,并带有一定的动能,动能的大小正好等于,初始能量减去为了电离,或者说发射出这个电子,所消耗的能量。So e sub i, some energy that the photon comes in with, and if it has sufficient energy to eject an electron, it will do that, and our electron will be ejected with a certain kinetic energy, which is going to be whatever energy is left over from the initial energy we put in minus what was taken up in order to actually ionize or eject the electron.