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但是,麦克斯韦的确从这个职位受益不浅。But Maxwell did profit from his position.

之后不久,马克斯维尔就加盟巴萨了。And soon after that, Maxwell signed with Barça.

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米兰对巴萨边后卫马克斯维尔感兴趣。AC Milan are interested in Barcelona wing-back Maxwell.

我是这咖啡馆的常客。"Maxwell House" instant coffee--- good to the last drop.

我想使用Maxwell移置,这样做出的特色很明显。I like to work with Maxwell displacements. It's a powerful feature.

麦克斯韦街在移民传说中一直占有特殊的地位。Maxwell Street has long occupied a special place in immigrant lore.

所以我们给Maxwell一双翅膀,他飞起去营救猫。So we gave Maxwell a pair of wings. He flew up and rescued the cat.

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研究光子晶体的一般方程是麦克斯韦方程组。The general equation of photonic crystal is Maxwell Equation Groups.

詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦尔完善了电磁波理论James Clark Maxwell developed the theory of electromagnetic waves?Ed.

加深了对麦克斯韦方程组和毕奥-萨伐尔定律的认识。That makes us better understand Maxwell equations and Biot-Savart law.

马兆融博士律师行定期在杂志和报刊上发表文章。Maxwell Alves contributes articles to magazines and newspapers regularly.

但是现在我们可以用所谓的麦克斯韦关系,来做到这一点。But we can do this, generally, by using what are called Maxwell relations.

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麦克斯韦尔半转过身,双手满是纸张和写着股票行情的纸带。Maxwell turned half around, with his hands full of papers and ticker tape.

他想重新组织当时奄奄一息的马克斯韦尔及查默斯汽车公司。He wanted to reorganize the dying Maxwell and Chalmers Motor Car Companies.

马克斯维尔的到来是为了填补西尔维尼奥走后的空缺,后者的合同在6月30号已经到期。Maxwell has come to Barça just after Sylvinho’s contract ran out on June 30.

三个原始的底片玻璃板现在保存在麦克斯韦出生的爱丁堡。The three original plates are now kept in Edinburgh, where Maxwell was born.

皮彻心里想马克斯韦尔变得越来越爱忘事了。Pitcher thought to himself that Maxwell was getting more forgetful every day.

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堪萨斯州坎顿附近的麦斯威尔禁猎区正放养着200头左右的野牛。The Maxwell Game Preserve near Canton, Kansas, supports a herd of some 200 bison.

可能是那个技术和经验都较佳的人,”麦斯维尔写道,“为什么?"Probably the one with the greater skills and experience, " writes Maxwell. "Why?

马克斯韦尔对他所读的内容兴奋不已,因此他背下了跟“运气”有关的章节。Maxwell was so excited about what he read that he memorized the section about luck.