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他是一个动物学家。He is a zoologist.

我是动物学家,裸猿又是一种动物。I am a zoologist and the naked ape is an animal.

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正如动物学家厄恩斯特·迈尔所说,生命只有从进化的角度来讲才有意义。Life, as zoologist Ernst Mayr said, only makes sense in terms of evolution.

比如说,生物学家,或者动物学家可能会研究猫Well, let's see, a biologist might study, or a zoologist might study, cats.

一个动物学家企图捕捉沾染漏油的北方塘鹅。A zoologist attempts to capture a northern gannet affected by the oil spill.

英国的动物学家和比较解剖学家,反对达尔文的进化论。English zoologist and comparative anatomist who opposed Darwin's evolution theory.

塔斯马尼亚博物馆的动物学家吉奈佛.沃克史密丝说︰「牠简直是庞然大物。」It is a whopper, ' said Genefor Walker-Smith, a zoologist from the Tasmanian Museum.

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动物学家尤金·莫顿提出了一个有关动物发声的概括性理论。Zoologist Eugene Morton has propounded a general theory of the vocal sounds that animals make.

您正在收听对希拉•柯南特的采访。You are listening to Sheila Conant, a zoologist and conservationist at the University of Hawaii.

这位动物学家与大猩猩一起生活了很长时间,还救过一只小猩猩的命。The zoologist had spent along time living with gorillas and had saved the life of a junior gorilla.

现在,他在努力拯救的物种是他自己,动物学家的见解变得非常有用了。Now, the species he is trying to save is his own, and the insights of a zoologist turn out to be quite useful.

“这是一个典型的同时发生的反常事件,”挪威重要动物学家彼德.伯格曼解释说,“在美国,这原因是'哦,不,末日来了!'“This is a classic example of freak events coinciding, ” noted Peter Boeckmann, a leading Norwegian zoologist.

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自养长臂猿、研究其生态,并写成「长臂猿考」,高罗佩称得上是个动物学家。Having raised gibbons , studied their ecology, and written The Gibbon in China, van Gulik can also be termed a zoologist.

你不知道就是因为你在童年时期为他们打下的基础,在你的孩子中间可能真的会成为一个生物学家。You never know if one of your children might actually grow up to be a zoologist because of the foundation you laid during their childhood!

根据德国动物学家弗里希对蜜蜂舞蹈行为的研究成果,提出了基于蜜蜂舞蹈的蜜源定位模型。According to German zoologist Frisch s research on honeybees dance behavior, brought forward nectar source localization model based on honeybee dance.

丹迪博士是雪梨人,是名动物学家,在雪梨大学作过许多关于预防牛只呼吸器官疾病的研究。Dr. Dundee, who hails Sydney, is a famous zoologist who has done a lot of research on the prevention of respiratory in cattle the University of Sydney.

翟浪伟同样也对动物学很感兴趣。他回答了一份由科学松鼠会的一位动物学家出的测验问答,并获得了满分,因此得到了这位专家的关注。Zhai is interested in zoology as well. He filled in a quiz from a zoologist of the Science Squirrels Club. He got full marks and the expert's attention.

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动物学家乔伊斯·普尔是安博塞利大象研究计划的负责人,也是第一个注意到这种现象的人。Zoologist Joyce Poole was the first to notice some rather unelephantine noises emanating from a group of semiwild, orphaned elephants in Tsavo National Park, Kenya.

援引一位著名动物学家的话称,当温度缓慢上升时,青蛙会变得焦燥不安,并挣扎着逃离,但该网站并没有说明该动物学家是如何得知此事的。quotes a distinguished zoologist as saying that frogs become agitated as the temperature slowly rises and struggle to escape, although it does not specify how the zoologist knows this.

海豚如何能游得这麽快,最早在1936年就令科学家费解,当时动物学家葛瑞计算出海豚要游逾时速20英里得克服的阻力。How dolphins are able to swim so fast first preoccupied researchers back in 1936, when zoologist James Gray calculated the drag dolphins must overcome to swim faster than 20 miles an hour.