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法律性是政府预算的本质特征。Legality is the essence of government budget.

最后介绍了转化犯的法定性。Finally introduced legality of the transforming crime.

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国内学者普遍对反规避措施的合法性持否定观点。Domestic scholars have generally denied legality of anti circumvention.

克拉林顿宪法重申了这一法制原则。The principle of legality was reiterated by the constitution of Claren.

问题在于,寂然的态度不知不觉中助长了剽窃行为的合法性。The trouble is that silence implicitly endorses the legality of plagiarism.

在监狱里,他对逮捕他的合法性提出了起诉。While in prison, he filed a lawsuit challenging the legality of his arrest.

其九段线的合法性,在联合国受到了质疑。The legality of its nine dash line is being questioned in the UnitedNations.

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政府与偷窃的区别主要是一个合法性的问题。The difference between government and thievery is mostly a matter of legality.

你有权就无搜查令的合法性问题在法庭进行辩驳。You have the right to challenge the legality of a warrantless search in court.

问道射杀的合法性,Carney读起了已经准备好的报告。Asked about the legality of the killing, Carney read from a prepared statement.

这位警官拒绝就将王国成关起来是否合法的问题发表评论。The PSB official declined to comment on the legality of keeping Guocheng caged.

高校的趋同性正是合法性机制作用的结果。The convergent inclination in universities is the result of legality mechanism.

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它是行政许可结果是否合法、公正的补救措施。It is remedial measure whether the administrable permission is legality and just.

统一战线的这些特点,凸现了政治合法性的人民根源性。The above features of the UF highlights the root cause of the political legality.

政府预算具有多重属性,最根本的是法律性。Legality is the most important nature of government budget among its many features.

尽管如此,关于什么人知悉了什么情况,事件时间及其合法性的问题依旧存在。Still, questions remain about who knew what when, as well as the legality of it all.

因此,把计划生育工作纳入法制的轨道显得尤为重要。So it is very important to bring family planning program within the orbit of legality.

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竞争情报活动的合法性是其内涵的重要组成部分。The legality of competitive information is the important component of its connotation.

结果有五人当选,其中有马臭子、刘广和二宝。Five officers were elected, among them Old Legality Ma, Liu Kwang and Second Jewel Pao.

另一方面,厚植自身政治合法性的根本。On the other hand, we shall consolidate the foundation of the legality of our authority.