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本文对现已发现的细菌软骨素合酶系统作一综述。This review brie? y introduces the bacterial chondroitin synthase.

钼援助在氨基葡萄糖和软骨素完全新陈代谢。Molybdenum aids in the complete metabolism of glucosamine and chondroitin.

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软骨是由身体里的葡萄糖胺和软骨素构成的。Cartilage is formed from glucosamine and chondroitin sulphates in the body.

几年来一直服用葡萄糖胺&软骨素来对关节炎。I have taken glucosamine & chondroitin daily for several years for arthritis.

硫酸软骨素对HL60细胞酸性磷酸酶活性的影响。Effect of chondroitin sulfate on the activity of acid phosphatase of HL60 cells.

研究表明,两种氨基葡萄糖和软骨素,协助保护软骨。Studies have shown that both glucosamine and chondroitin help protect cartilage.

固绿共振瑞利散射光谱法测定硫酸软骨素。Detection of chondroitin sulfate by resonance rayleigh scattering spectrum method.

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本发明公开了一种脱乙酰硫酸软骨素的制备技术。The invention discloses a technology for preparing deacetylated chondroitin sulfate.

软骨素被认为有助于软骨吸收液体,使之更加柔软灵活。Chondroitin is believed to help draw fluid into the cartilage, making it more flexible.

在其它研究,软骨素被调查用于几个其它情况。In other research, chondroitin is being investigated for use in several other conditions.

鸡皮和软骨含有大量能够滋养皮肤的硫酸软骨素。Chicken skin and gristle contain a good deal of Chondroitin Sulfate which can nourish the skin.

我集团是中国唯一一家硫酸软骨素和氨糖从原料到成品的制造商。We are unique manufacturer of chondroitin and glucosamine from raw material to finished products.

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光谱分析法结构鉴定结果表明它是一种软骨素肽,其主要成分为硫酸软骨素C。Having been identified in spectroscopy, the product is chondroitin sulfate-peptide, an excel Chs-C.

鸡皮和软骨含有大量能够滋养皮肤的硫酸软骨素。Chicken skin and gristle contain a good deal of Chondroitin Sulfatewhich which can nourish the skin.

其汤头富含大量“软骨素”,能提高人体对钙质的吸收和补偿。The soup is rich in a large number of "chondroitin" can improve the body's absorption of calcium and compensation.

目的建立用比色法测定鲨鱼硫酸软骨素原料中蛋白质含量的方法。PurposeTo establish a method for determination of protein in shark chondroitin sulfate raw material by colorimetry.

这一类型的胶原蛋白中含有许多在葡萄糖和软骨素中没有被发现的独一无二的多肽。This format of collagen has many additional structural proteins that are not found in glucosamine and chondroitin alone.

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以匙吻鲟的软骨为原料,用稀碱-酶相结合的方法提取硫酸软骨素。A method of dilute alkali-enzyme hydrolysis was used to extract chondroitin sulfate from the Polyodon spashula cartilage.

鲨鱼软骨中含有黏多醣,许多复杂的碳水化合物,其中包括目前众所周知的软骨素。Shark cartilage contains mucopolysaccharides, a family of complex carbohydrates including the now well-known chondroitin sulfate.

结论研究能有效抑制硫酸软骨素蛋白多糖的方法可能促进损伤后脊髓的再生。Conclusion Finding a way to degrade chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans may promote regeneration of axons after spinal cord injury.