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最好的表是瑞士表。The best watch is Switzer watch.

去年夏天我在瑞士度过了一个月。Last summer I spent a month in Switzer.

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我想到瑞上去,那是位于欧洲的国家。I want tp go to switzer land a country in Europe.

在加拿大,梅兰妮曾在麦肯泽高中教授综合实践和体育课程。In Canada, Mrs. Switzer taught Cooking Class and Physical Education at Mackenzie Secondary School.

她爱好阅读、手工针织,闲暇时喜欢和家人一起度过。Switzer enjoys reading, knitting and sewing in her spare time as well as spending time with her family.

正如我反映对我潜在的遗产在此的父亲节,瑞士爷爷给我一些目标。As I reflect on my potential legacy on this Father's Day , Grandpa Switzer gives me something to aim for.

中国的发展速度之快令人惊叹,但是最吸引他的是中华民族灿烂辉煌的历史。Mr. Switzer enjoys China because it is developing rapidly but still takes pride in its impressive history.

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然而,在附近为残疾儿童服务的瑞士中心做测试,结果表明杰夫的智力属中等以上水平。But testing at the nearby Switzer Centre for children with disabilities showed Jeff to be average-to-bright.

没有业绩号码已被释放,但期望短跑倍,以符合或接近瑞士以往大锤保时捷911升级。No performance numbers have been released but expect sprint times to match or come close to Switzer 's previous Sledgehammer Porsche 911 upgrade.

一天,在他出发前往密西西比前,杰夫给60位来自他曾经就读过的水族馆瑞士中心的孩子做表演。One day, before he left for Mississippi, Jeff gave a demonstration to 60 children from the Switzer Center at one of the aquariums where he had taught.

也许这将派遣美国改装公司瑞士性能回到制图板。这家公司发布了一个800马力的GT2的包就在几天前。Perhaps this will send American tuning company Switzer Performance back to the drawing board. That company released an 800 hp GT2 package just a few days ago.

另一个基本主题的比赛,至少在自由Autosports和瑞士表演队,是希望结束保时捷的实力在目前的六连胜。Another underlying theme of the race, at least for the Freedom Autosports and Switzer Performance team, is a desire to end Porsche's streak at the current six consecutive wins.

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然而,在附近为残疾儿童服务的瑞士中心做测试,结果表明杰夫的智力属中等以上水平,尽管让人忧心忡忡的是他的数学测试成绩处在弱智边界。But testing at the nearby Switzer Center for children with disabilities showed Jeff to be average-to-bright, though so anxiety-ridden that his math-test score came out borderline retarded.