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诗人是客观现实,而意象派诗人的浪漫。Objectivist poets are realistic, while Imagist poets are romantic.

并利用意象来呈现剧中的意涵。Also, imagist expression is used to present the connotation of the play.

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意象诗是美中两国诗歌史上一个十分相近的诗歌现象。Imagist poetry exists in both American and Chinese history of literature.

意象派三原则成为意象主义作家创作的基本准则。These principles provide some basic writing rules for the Imagist writers.

这三条著名的意象主义原则标志了一种全新诗学的创造。The three famous imagist principles signaled the invention of a New Poetics.

后来的英国诗歌中有许多诗受到了意象主义的箴言和实践的影响。Much subsequent poetry in england was influenced by imagist lord and practice.

然而,中国古典诗歌和美国的意象诗明显存在较大的差异。But, great difference exists between ancient Chinese poetry and imagist poetry.

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同时与20世纪象征诗人的“客观对应物”也有共同之处,都努力使生命的本真呈现出来。It also had something in common with 20-century imagist poetry's objective homologue.

“意象”与“意境”分别是英美意象派与中国古典诗学的核心范畴。Image and World is the core category of the Imagist School and the theory of World respectively.

艾略特---20世纪美国著名的诗人,是意象派的代表人物之一。S. Eliot, a great American poet in the twentieth century, is a spokesman of the Imagist Movement.

大多数意象的原则基础之上的古老风格的中国和日本的诗歌。A majority of the Imagist principles are founded upon the ancient styles of Chinese and Japanese poetry.

戴•赫•劳伦斯是20世纪英国最负盛名的作家之一,也是杰出的意象派诗人。David Herbert Lawrence is an outstanding imagist poet, as well as a well-known novelist in the 20th century.

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意象主义诗歌原则帮助胡适诗学观点的形成,启动了中国现代白话文、白话诗的革命。The Imagist principles help Hu Shih form his poetic idea, which leads to the revolution in language and poetry.

在“设计素描”教学中,应贯穿机械、自然、意像几大块,作为教学运作的顺序。Design sketch teaching should be carried through mechanical, natural and imagist teaching methods as the teaching operation sequences.

英美意象派诗歌及自由诗革命对中国新诗初期诗体建设产生了巨大影响。The British and American imagist poetry and Free Verse Revolution have exerted great influences on the early style of Chinese new poetry.

通过分析他的意象诗―地下铁车站,文章让我们进一步了解庞德和他的意象手法。Through analysis of his imagist poem-In a Station of the Metro, the paper enables us to have a better understanding of Pound and his image.

本文通过分析劳伦斯的内心感受,解读意象派诗歌的语言特点,探究劳伦斯的诗歌之美。Through the analysis of the features of imagist poetry as well as the inner feelings of his heart, this paper aims at exploring the beauty.

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意象派诗歌不仅是英美现代派诗歌的起点,还产生了重要的国际影响。What marked the beginning of the British and American modernist poetry is Imagist poetry, which has also made immense international influence.

埃兹拉·庞德是美国二十世纪著名的诗人、翻译家,意象派诗歌运动的发起者。Ezra Loomis Pound is a renowned American poet and translator, the pioneer of the poetic movement of "Imagist Movement" in the twentieth century.

然而,庞德翻译、改写大量中国古典名诗的目的是为了意象派的创作原则,因此他的诗既有中国色彩,却又具有西方现代风格。Pound admired Chinese poetry and began to imitate and rewrote poems, what is more, he marked his so-called "Chinese poems" with modern Imagist features.