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她是个有洁癖的人。IT is a fanatic for cleanliness.

九四高龄的花痴。A 94-year-old fanatic of flowers.

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她是个有洁癖的人。She is a fanatic for cleanliness.

青壮年时期,母亲是位健身迷。In her heyday, my mother was a fitness fanatic.

狂热者的大恶在于他的诚意。The worst vice of the fanatic is his sincerity.

麦考莱把查理二世描写为无信义的狂热者。Macaulay represents Charles II as a faithless fanatic.

我是他设计的鞋子的拥护者,所以我也不清楚。I'm a Michael Kors fanatic with his shoes, so I don't know.

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急于主推转基因食品的有关人等,现在是发挥你们特长的时候了。Hi, those fanatic GM food promoters, now it's time for you to shine!

稍微用一些逻辑,别为了你疯狂的意识形态而对一切委曲求全。You can use some logic, do not bend everything to fit your fanatic ideology.

“这就是你会变得多疯狂,”瑞根先生说,“我对这个简直着迷了。“This is how crazy you get, ” Mr. Ringen said. “I’m almost a fanatic with it.

在接受这些狂热思想后,他们一生都不会改变这种思想。After incorporation of fanatic ideas they do not change them throughout their lives.

强智能和弱智能都有很多拥护者,他们中的大多数人对此非常沉迷。Both the Weak AI and the Strong AI have strong supporters, many of them quite fanatic.

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这表明了喜欢阴谋论的狂热者并非独有的西方右翼现象。Proof the conspiracy theory-loving fanatic isn't just a western right-wing phenomenon.

对于这名博尔顿狂热者与他的威尔士妻子生的儿子来说,来自英格兰的召唤变得近在咫尺。An England call-up for the son of a Bolton fanatic and a Welsh mother became inevitable.

您是否狂热的寿司爱好者或者有吃生鱼肉会有麻烦的想法?Are you a sushi fanatic or do you have trouble getting past the thought of eating raw fish?

Beaulieu是一个正直的疯子和疯狂的象棋迷,他一直梦想消灭邪恶的世界。Beaulieu is a righteous psychopath and fanatic chess player who wants to rid the world of evil.

对其他跟他一般狂热的人来说,一次甚至可以有多个女友。For others, just as fanatic as he, it can be a way of having more than one girlfriend at a time.

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我丈夫是个自私鬼,木头人,可以置篮球于妻子的幸福之上。My husband is a selfish, insensitive oaf who puts basketball before his wife's happiness. fanatic.

那次爆炸案使168名无辜者丧生于一个美国本土长大的狂热分子手下。Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, where 168 innocents lost their lives to a homegrown American fanatic.

事实上,这是完全正常的,即使是那些超级健康的跑步狂热分子也会经历这样的痛苦。Yes, it's completely normal for even the most super-fit running fanatic to suffer through difficult runs.