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我们向北航行。We sailed northwards.

我们从伦敦驱车向北开到伯明翰。From London we drove northwards to Birmingham.

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他们每年都去买马的退回。They went northwards every year to buy horses.

采取它。您应该向北朝向和现在上升。Take it. You should be heading Northwards and up now.

这些鸟春天向北移栖,秋天向南移栖。These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall.

这些鸟在春天移栖北方,秋天移栖南方。These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall.

从拉穆海岸向北至索马里边境60公里范围。Somali border to a depth of 60km and the coast from Lamu northwards.

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飞机从机场起飞,往北向郑州方向飞去。The plane took off from the airport and headed northwards Zhengzhou.

尽管计划考虑了向北的传播,但最终还是没有实施。The plans concerning the extension northwards however came to nothing.

四月,窝阔台北还,留速不台继续攻城。In April, Ogadai returned northwards leaving Subotai to continue to attack the city.

嗯,最后看到他们的时候,他们是朝北去的。大家都知道那意味着什么。Well, they were heading northwards when they were last seen and we all know what that means.

欧洲和北美大陆将向北移动数千公里到极地地区。Europe and North America will shift thousands of kilometres northwards into the polar region.

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旅游向北参观千年城墙的小镇狭窄的街道奥比多斯如画。Travel northwards to visit millennial walled town called Obidos with picturesque narrow streets.

科学家们认为,麦夸里岛外的冰山在缓慢移往北方的过程中,将破碎并迅速融化。Scientists believe the iceberg off Macquarie will break up and melt rapidly as it meanders northwards.

上述结果说明,南美斑潜蝇向北扩散过程包含了包括SCP逐步降低的适应机制。The results imply that an adaptive course of lowing SCP involves in the species dispersing northwards.

一队丹麦研究人员刚刚乘着一艘瑞典破冰船从挪威向北起航。A team of Danish researchers, heading northwards on a Swedish ice-breaker, has just set sail from Norway.

飞行员操纵无人机跟在向北逃窜的3名叛军后面,并发射了3枚“海尔法”导弹。The pilot steered the drone to follow the three fleeing northwards and unleashed three Hellfires on them.

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外面,在极地快车高速驶向北面的时候,城镇和乡村的光在远处快速移动。Outside, the lights of towns and villages flickered in the distance as the Polar Express raced northwards.

十二月,拖雷与金军战于邓州不胜,遂弃邓州北进。In December, Tule and the Jin army fought at Dengzhou and was forced to abandon Dengzhou to move northwards.

容受命飞助正遭受挪威驱逐舰袭击德运输船。Junkers were ordered northwards to help a German merchantman which were under attack by a Norwegian destroyer.