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五胜都。Five win.

二五仔!Two five boy!

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二五仔。Two five son.

我想五站吧。Five , I think.

嘿,五星将军。Hey, five stars.

五星级黄油?Five star butter?

这是五块钱。Here is five Yuan.

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我身高五尺五英寸。I'm five foot five.

是五个裸男。Is five naked male.

罗伊娜得了五分。Rowena gets a five.

欢迎五位小英雄。Welcome five heros.

以后咱需要五座炼铝厂咩?But do we need five?

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哦,五朵金花?Five golden flowers?

它重五吨。It weighs five tons.

现在是九点零五分。It's five past nine.

这儿有五棵松树。There're five pines.

使用“5个为什么”。Use 'the five whys.'

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五加六等于几?What's five and six?

五加五是十。Five and five is ten.

五年大好时光了。Five wonderful years.