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我腰痛正在治疗中。I'm having treatment for my lumbago.

治疗腰痛的注意事项。Cautions in the treatment of Lumbago.

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背痛、腰痛吃什么水果?What fruit does backache, lumbago eat?

可以要些治我腰痛的药吗?Can I have some medicine for my lumbago ?

有什么药治疗腰痛最快又最好?What medicine treats lumbago the fastest best?

中老年人腰痛是什么引起的?应该怎么样治疗?What causes old people lumbago in? How should treat?

此疗法是治腰腿痛的一种有效疗法。The therapy seems to be very efficacious for lumbago.

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王耀急着想出门找忍冬,结果腰痛的老毛病又犯了。Wang Yao is anxious to find out the honeysuckle lumbago again.

坐具不合适,同样也可以引起腰痛。A thing to sit on is improper, also can cause lumbago likewise.

腰椎的退行性改变常可导致腰痛症状。Of lumbar retreat travel sex change to often can cause lumbago symptom.

本文报导了针刺配穴位注射治疗腰腿痛的疗法。This paper reports acupuncture and point injection therapy for lumbago.

掌握腰痛的定义、辨证治疗。Master the definition, syndrome differentiation and treatment of Lumbago.

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腰痛的定义、病因病机、辨证分型。Definition, etiology, pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation of Lumbago.

腰痛的原因?请专业人事回答!The reason of lumbago ? Invite answer of professional occurrences in human life!

在中国,有学者作过调查,发现“五口之家,常有一腰痛。”In China , some surveys show that "almost one in a family five suffers from lumbago".

由此可见,不同人群导致下腰痛疾病的种类不同。This shows, the sort that does not cause next lumbago diseases with the crowd is different.

探讨腰痛患者腰椎棘突偏歪的变化规律。To explore the deviation rules of spinous process of lumbar vertebra in patients with lumbago.

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因此,它是一种影响工作、学习和生活的世界性疾病。Therefore, lumbago and leg pain is a pandemic disease in the world influencing work, study and life.

本方可防止早衰,又可以补益肝肾和能预防肾虚腰痛。We may prevent the early aging, may also benefit hepatorenal and can prevent the kidney empty lumbago.

梅里韦瑟爷爷的腰痛病厉害得很,队长想叫他退伍,但他自己不愿意走。Grandpa's lumbago was troubling him greatly and the captain wanted to discharge him. but grandpa would n't go home.