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抱歉,我必须拆掉这颗炸弹的雷管。Excuse me, I have to defuse this bomb.

尝试一种简单的减压技巧来缓解你愤怒的情绪。To defuse your anger, try a simple stress-management technique.

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然后便由人类接手,拆去雷管并移除地雷。After this human beings take over and defuse and remove the mine.

你遇到过需要安抚观众的情况吗?请在评论中分享你的经历吧!Do you have audiences you need to defuse? Let us know in the comments.

和谈就是为了化解矛盾、弥合分歧。The purpose of peace talks is to defuse conflict and narrow difference.

这里有一些典型的情景,以及如何去平息这些扰人的梦境。Here are some typical scenarios and how to defuse these disturbing dreams.

为了驱散反对自己的阴云,希拉里已经苦苦努力了六年。Mrs Clinton has worked hard to defuse Hillary-hatred over the past six years.

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这无异于给后来人留下一颗定时炸弹,而布朗并不擅于拆弹。This is a time-bomb of a legacy, and one that Mr Brown is ill equipped to defuse.

当时的工党领袖比兹利化解了该行的公开支持主席布里尔顿。Then-Labor leader Kim Beazley had to defuse the row by publicly backing Mr Brereton.

这种方式不但会化解矛盾,同时也能防止大规模暴力事态进一步扩大。This formula will defuse tensions and may prevent wide-scale violence from erupting.

中国赞同的温和的制裁将平息伊朗和朝鲜的威胁?Will soft sanctions, endorsed by China, defuse the Iranian and North Korean threats?

另一项技术是重新分配现有服务器来缓和海量的传入流量。Another technique reallocates existing servers to defuse overwhelming incoming traffic.

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此举很明显是为了平息计划于周五举行的大规模反对派抗议活动。This appears to be a clear attempt to defuse a major opposition protest planned for Friday.

奥巴马上任时认为他能够通过在某些事务上和伊朗打交道来缓解紧张。Obama came into office thinking he could engage with Iran in a way that would defuse tensions.

据NPR新闻的苏拉娅·莎哈迪·尼尔森从该地带来的报道,当局能够拆掉炸弹。NPR's Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson reports from that area that authorities were able to defuse the bomb.

从理论上来说,只要酿酒商把生产转移到更适宜的地区,就能化解这种威胁。In theory, winemakers can defuse the threat by simply shifting production to more congenial locations.

如果你决定拆除一颗炸弹,那就别为该切断哪根电线而伤脑筋,因为你的选择总是对的。Should you decide to defuse a bomb, don't worry which wire to cut. You will always choose the right one.

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Ohlsson先生正在提供关于公司财务情况的更多信息,以平息人们对于宜家公司不透明性的批评。Mr Ohlsson is trying to defuse criticism of IKEA’s opacity by providing more information on its finances.

格根相信,可以解除指派一名独立检察官所造成的压力的唯一办法,就是把文件交出去。Gergen thought the only way to defuse the pressure for an independent counsel was to produce the documents.

中国一直呼吁利比亚立即停火而鼓励使用外交途径缓解紧张局势。China has called for an immediate ceasefire in Libya and is backing diplomatic endeavors to defuse tensions.