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因此,我接受了他的提议。So I accepted his offer.

他接受了这份声明。He accepted the statement.

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支票不得承兑。A check cannot be accepted.

我们接受了这一建议。We have accepted this advice.

但是最终人们接受了她。But finally they accepted her.

不接受传真件。No facsimiles will be accepted.

邮政信箱恕不接受。P. O. Box will not be accepted.

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无“黑帽子”战术接受。No "black-hat" tactics accepted.

不接受迟交的论文。No late papers will be accepted.

我们已收到了你们报的实盘。We have accepted your firm offer.

试问这样一份丧权辱国的条约谁给接受?。How can such a treaty be accepted?

我被耶鲁大学录取了!I was accepted by Yale University!

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他提出的意见被采纳了。His proffer of advice was accepted.

雅各再三地求他,他才收下了“And when he urged him, he accepted."

她亳无质疑的收下了我的支票。She accepted my check without query.

擎着的双臂无法接纳他们。They aren’t accepted with open arms.

他盲目相信一切印刷品。He accepted blindly anything printed.

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莫丝有风度地接受了胜利。Moth accepted the victory graciously.

菲利普斯乐于赞成这个观点。Philips willingly accepted this view.

没有代求就没有垂听。Without that they cannot be accepted.