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外固定针固定在2~3掌骨和桡骨干上。Fixation pins were placed in the 2 3 metacarpal and radial shaft.

目的探讨外伤性掌骨缺损的显微外科治疗。Objective To discuss the treatment of traumatic metacarpal defect.

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结果粉碎性掌指骨均愈合,手功能良好。Results Comminuted fracture of metacarpal bone and phalange is all heal up.

它的掌骨与由于不受韧带的束缚,是与其它指骨分开的。Its metacarpal bone is free from the other bones and is not tied to them by ligaments.

城市比乡村少年的掌骨发育高峰年龄提前1岁。The peak age of metacarpal maturation was 1 year earlier in urban areas than in rural ones.

利用X线诊断技术,观察山羊的掌骨骨折愈合情况。Fracture healing of the metacarpal in goat has been observed with X-ray diagnostic techniques.

其中女性第三掌骨长与身高的相关性最好,男性第二掌骨长与身高相关性最好。The correlations between the length of the second metacarpal and the body height of male is best.

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目的评估AO微型钢板治疗多发性掌骨或跖骨骨折的疗效。Objective To evaluate the outcome of multiple metacarpal or metatarsal fractures treated with AO miniplates.

目的探讨内生性软骨瘤合并病理性骨折的治疗方法。Objective To observe the treatments for enchondroma combined pathological fracture at metacarpal or phalanx.

探讨掌骨骨折的致伤特点及活体损伤程度的法医学鉴定。To study the characteristic of the metacarpal fracture and the forensic investigation of severity of the injury.

方法应用可吸收线内固定骨碎块重建掌、指骨。Methods In order to rebuild metacarpal bone and phalange, using absorb string to inner regularize comminuted bones.

目的探讨开放性、粉碎性掌指骨骨折的治疗新方法。Objective To explore a new treating method of serious open and comminuted fracture of metacarpal bone and phalange.

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检测温柔的掌指骨关节,挤压病人的手之间的拇指和手指。To detect tenderness in the metacarpal phalangeal joints, squeeze the patient's hand between your thumb and fingers.

对巨指、趾行切除患指、趾或加部分掌、蹠骨切除术。Macrodactyly were treated with excision of the involved digits or toes and partial excision of metacarpal or metatarsal bones.

然后检查每个掌指骨关节。请将您的大拇指刚刚远端指节的每一侧伸肌腱。Then examine each metacarpal phalangeal joint. Place your thumbs just distal to the knuckle on each side of the extensor tendon.

结论掌、指骨径线数学比例模型对临床手术和假体设计具有重要实用价值。Conclusion The mathematical relation model on metacarpal and phalange bones is useful for the operations and prosthesises design.

目的探讨微型钛板内固定治疗掌指骨骨折的临床疗效。Objective To investigate the treatment outcome of internal fixation of metacarpal and phalangeal fracture using titanium mini-plate.

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目的分析用不同方法治疗不同类型的第一掌骨基底骨折所获得的疗效。Objective To analyze the curative effect of different type of first metacarpal bone basal body fracture exerting diversity approaches.

目的探讨AO微型髁接骨板螺钉内固定治疗掌指骨髁部骨折的疗效。Objective To study the treatment outcome of metacarpal and phalangeal condylar fractures by internal fixation with AO minicondylar plates.

1995年,采用交叉克氏针、微型钢板螺丝钉固定术,治疗掌、指骨骨折78例92处。From 1989 to 1995, we had treated 78 cases of 92 fractures of metacarpal bones and phalanges with Kirschner wires, small plates and screws.