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我是意大利人。I am Italian.

意大利菜还是法国菜?Italian or French?

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乙.我说意大利语。B. I speak Italian.

他们怎么会是意大利人呢?How could they be Italian?

我要意大利调味酱。I'd like Italian dressing.

我最喜欢意大利菜。I like Italian best of all.

我以为他们是意大利人。I thought they were Italian.

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我们午餐去吃意大利菜。Let's have Italian for lunch.

蓝军旗帜飘荡在南非的天空。Italian Azzurro on African sky.

我们全要意大利酱。We'll all take Italian dressing.

椅子是意大利的镶嵌。The marquetry chairs are Italian.

这有义大利制造的皮靴吗?Do you have Italian leather boots?

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她的美是意大利型的。Her beauty is of the Italian type.

怎样做沁人心脾的意大利冰How to make refreshing Italian ice

开始翻译到义大利文与中文。Translation in italian and chinese.

那么意大利的里维埃拉呢Now, what about the Italian Riviera?

吉普赛?那是一家意大利餐厅。Gypsy's? That's like an Italian place.

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是因为那个意大利舔手男?。It's the Italian hand-licker, isn't it?

巴罗洛是意大利红葡萄酒之王。Barolo is the king of Italian red wines.

他要了个长长的、意大利产的火腿肠。He asked for a long Italian ham sausage.