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从长远看来,菲尼先生无疑仍希望执掌自由人民新党。In the long term, no doubt, Mr Fini still aspires to the PdL leadership.

采用PDL语言对人体边界轮廓进行编码,实现了人体环节的识别。It has coded the human body edge in PDL Language, and thus identified the human taches.

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此即,每一光电二极体PDL与PDS都会接收到面积相同之微透镜元件710-A传来的光线。That is, each PDL and PDS receives light from a microlens element 710-A having the same area.

与此同时,有迹象表明,自由人民新党将在未来几周内采取更为积极的态度。There are signs too that the PdL could be conjured into a more lively attitude in the next few weeks.

最近一次民调显示Pdl的支持率只比最大的反对党民主党高2.5个百分点。One recent poll put the PdL just 2.5 percentage points ahead of the biggest opposition group, the Democratic Party.

该模型可用于分析高阶偏振模色散和偏振相关损耗,任意线性光纤通信系统脉冲展宽分析。The model can be used to analyze higher order PMD, PDL and pulse broadening in any linear fiber communication system.

该方法不仅可以实现多通道的PMD补偿,而且可同时去除PDL等偏振效应。This method can not only realize multi-channel PMD compensation, but also can wipe off the polarization effect such as PDL etc.

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在武广客运专线轨道形式中,我国大量采纳德国的先进技术和经验,主要采用无碴道床、双块式轨枕的形式。The type of the track of the Wu-Guang PDL adopts German experiences and technique, involving ballast-less bed and by-block sleeper.

建设世界一流水平的客运专线,给铁路勘察设计企业带来了发展机遇和挑战。The requirements of building up PDL with leading level bring the railway survey and design enterprises both opportunity and challenge.

结果随着牙周支持骨高度的丧失,牙槽嵴顶和唇侧根尖牙周膜应力逐渐增大。Results With the decreasing of the alveolar bone height, the stress in PDL augmented in lateral apical periodontal ligament and the topo f the alveolar ridge.

新建铁路一次性铺设跨区间之缝线路已成为趋势,研究连续梁桥上无缝线路纵向力变化规律,探讨客运专线常见连续梁桥墩线刚度限值迫在眉睫。It is imperative to study the rules of longitudinal force of CWR on bridge and discuss the limit stiffness of pier of the continuous beams that usually used in PDL.

以京津城际铁路为背景,对提出的方法进行验证,结果表明,该方法能有效地求解乘务交路计划编制问题。The performance of the algorithm is tested by the data of the PDL from Beijing to Tianjin. And the computational results demonstrate that this algorithm is effective.

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但是只要蒙蒂准备好在大选后和贝尔萨尼通力合作,自由人民党将被牢牢地推向反对派,格里罗的代表也不例外。But so long as Mr Monti was ready to join forces with Mr Bersani after the election, the PdL could be pushed firmly into opposition, along with Mr Grillo's representatives.

在借鉴已有车站作业仿真研究的基础上,对客运专线车站的列车接发进路排列的优化算法进行研究。According to the emulation research of existing station operation, this paper studies the optimization algorithm of route arrangement of train arrival-departure in PDL station.

方法利用原代培养的老年人牙周膜细胞,测定其碱性磷酸酶活性,并与青年人进行比较。Methods Elderly peoples PDL cells were cultured , its alkaline phosphatase activity were determined spectrophotometricly and were compared with that of young peoples PDL cells.

最后通过类比法对一些间接影响因素进行了具体测算,综合评价了武广客运专线对湖南地区经济贡献度。At last, some indirect acting factors are estimated by analogy method. The economic contribution degrees between Wuhan-Guangzhou PDL to Hunan province are evaluated synthetically.

随着铁路客运专线建设的快速推进,必然带来客运专线与既有线、其他运输方式间的旅客联合运输管理问题。Along with the rapid progress of PDL construction, the problem emerges concerning management of combined passenger transport among PDL, conventional line and other transport modes.

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以短曝光时间光电二极体作为洩流端减少晕染现象之作法效果部分是取决于其像素阵列中光电二极体PDL与PDS的排列方式。The effectiveness with which the short exposure time photodiodes act as overflow drains to reduce blooming depends in part on the arrangement of the PDL and PDS photodiodes in the pixel array.

双块式无碴轨道是一种适用于客运专线的新型轨道结构,它具有高平顺性、高稳定性、刚度均匀性好、结构耐久性强和少维修的特点。Double-block ballastless track applied on PDL is a new track structure. It is a low maintenance durable track structure with high stability, high geometric regularity and uniform track stiffness.

结合秦沈客运专线施工经验,提出适合客运专线现场钢轨焊接的方法及施工组织方案。Drawing from the construction experiences on Qinhuangdao-Shenyang PDL , the essay puts forward the welding methods and construction organization plan for on-site rail welding that fits to the PDL.