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他成心让我难堪。He purposely embarrassed me.

他是专程来这里拜访她们的。He was purposely coming to visit them.

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我昨天特地去看他。I purposely went to see him yesterday.

我故意不要梦者提供相关的解释材料。I purposely asked for no analysis of this dream.

他因爱面子而故意说那些话。He purposely made those remarks in order to save face.

多年前,我曾特地到花莲盐寮去。Many years ago, I went to Yan-liau, Hualien purposely.

云﹕为左今日的特辑呢﹐我专登找左阿梅姐呢…For today's special program, I purposely found Mui Jei.

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我有意把它简单化,这样你就不会拖沓了。I purposely made it easy, so you wouldn’t procrastinate.

该投手故意向那名击球手头部投球。The pitcher beanballed purposely at the head of the batter.

同样的,夜店也会故意让常客在门口大排长龙。Similarly, night clubs purposely make patrons wait at the door.

神赐给我圣灵是有目的的,祂要在祷告中为我代求。The Holy Spirit is purposely given to intercede for me in prayer.

他故意说假话,但他似乎让事实细节。He purposely speaks untruths, yet he gives seemingly factual details.

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是的,我故意忘记的,因为这是处在一维情况下。Yeah, I purposely forgot them, because this is a one-dimensional case.

故意或者无心地扮出最滑稽可笑的鬼脸。The most ridiculous grimaces were purposely or unconsciously indulged in.

模式,以及我将使用的一些术语,都表示泛指。The patterns, and some of the terminology I'll use, are purposely generic.

他明显是个雏,我有心让他快乐,使出了浑身解数。He is a cheeper apparently, I make him purposely happy, exert all over skill.

事实上,建筑师说他们在修建时故意尽量的避免产生“体制的感觉”。In fact, architects say they purposely tried to avoid an "institutional feel.

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所以克里奇的小组在实验室小鼠身上有目的地改变一个小RNA基因。So Crochi's team purposely altered a single type of microRNA gene in lab mice.

我们碰上一辆故意堵着路不让我们超车的卡车。We got behind a truck that purposely hogged the road so that we couldn't pass.

开发团队有意忽视的一个功能就是页面内嵌的聊天功能。One feature the team purposely left out of the editor for now is an in-page chat.