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或是把地毯折曲。Or it is a carpet flex.

要一张全国通用的帐户卡Get a Nationwide Flex Account card

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起初,站立时,一条后腿会腿软。One rear leg will flex while standing.

你不能不停地伸缩你的二头肌,对吧?You can’t flex your biceps all the time.

在周围有男人的时候她喜欢绷起肌肉。She likes to flex it when she's around men.

DB12RR特点的新的长期柔性板。The DB12RR features new longer flex plates.

伸展你的左臂,收缩你的二头肌,保持这个姿势。Extend your left arm, flex the bicep and hold.

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弯曲下背部使尾骨移向天花板。Flex low back so coccyx moves up toward ceiling.

新的柔性板有两个安装位置。The new flex plates have two mounting positions.

你应该注意到Flash和Flex可以协同工作。You should note that Flash and Flex can work together.

你量过那些螺旋钻铤和挠性短接吗?Have you measured those spiral collars and flex joints?

我没量那个柔性短节和螺旋钻链。I did not measure that flex joint those spiral collars.

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Mate是由AsFusion创建的基于标签的Flex框架。Mate is a tag-based Flex framework created by AsFusion.

从车架的轨道拆卸弯角器折曲软管支架。Remove caliper flex hose brackets from the frame rails.

swc是个增强的Flex组件库。The clear.swc is a library of enhanced Flex components.

让一个朋友对着你的膝盖弯曲你的脚。Have a friend flex your foot, bending it down toward your knee.

这样的安排还有助于经常活动双腿和屈伸脚踝。It also helps to move your legs and flex your ankles frequently.

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每次抓握的间歇都尝试活动手指及手腕。Open and close your fingers or flex your wrist between each grip.

如果你偏头疼,就把手放进冰水里,并弯曲手指。Put your hands in ice water and flex them if you have a migraine.

对于上述硬灯条,您可选择防水系列IP67。For those flex LED strips, you can choose water proof series IP67.