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他是德国人。He is German.

你们这儿有德国车吗?Do you have German cars?

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他操一口流利的德语。He speaks fluent German.

我们已经扭曲了德国的射束。We had bent the German beam.

哦,德国男人是第一名。为什么?Oh, German men are No.1. Why?

德语动词放在句末。The German verb is postponed.

它们是德国或者比利时的。They'll be German or Belgium.

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难道你是德国的同情者?Are you a German sympathizer ?

而经营德国游的是200家。German travel operators is 200.

这些书有一半是德语的。Half of the books are in German.

他懂法外还会讲英语。He speaks German besides French.

我来学英语和德语就是。I will learn English and German.

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德国的退休年龄是67岁。The German retirement age is 67.

“是德语里的”笔的意思!Stift is the German word for pen!

德国大诗人海涅是犹太人。The German poet Heine was Jewish.

你学德文多长时间了?。How long have you learned German ?

在德国它指的是“酸卷心菜”。It means "sour cabbage" in German.

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索菲娅,这位是汉斯.他是德国人.Sophie,this is Hans. He is German.

我们不学法语,改学德语。We learn German instead of French.

奥迪也是一个德国汽车公司。Audi is also a German auto company.