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如果你看见她,说声哈罗,她可能在丹吉尔。If you see her, say hello, she might be in Tangier.

当时我正在丹吉尔的一个市场里。瞧!我发现了这个。I was in a market in Tangier and bingo! I found this.

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丹吉尔是我们向往已久的地方。Tangier is the spot we have been longing for all the time.

它只是一个小时车程的丹吉尔,在里弗山区。It is just an hour's drive from Tangier in the Rif mountains.

在1932年,在西班牙内战,他居住在丹吉尔。In 1932, during the Spanish civil war, he took up residence in Tangier.

绚丽的丹吉尔城市是一个身心放松的完美去处。The gorgeous City of Tangier is perfect for relaxation of body and soul.

卡萨布兰卡是摩洛哥西北部濒临大西洋的一座城市,位于丹吉尔西南部偏南。Casablanca is a city of northwest Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean south-southwest of Tangier.

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他给我讲了在索科奇科一个咖啡馆的故事。那是丹吉尔市的贼窝。He told me the story in a cafe in the Socco Chico, which is the "thieves' kitchen" of Tangier.

他给我讲了在索科奇科一个咖啡馆的故事。那是丹吉尔市的贼窝。He told me the story in a cafe in the Socco Chico , which is the " thieves' kitchen" of Tangier.

丹吉尔以西约1小时车程,有国际机场,是很少使用。Tetouan, about 1 hours drive west of Tangier , has an international airport that is little used.

这里既是地中海与大西洋在非洲北端亲密接触的地方,也是风格多元的文化和各种美味佳肴交融展示的场所。Where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean at the northern tip of Africa, Tangier dispenses a diverse mix of culture and cuisine.