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我并不想那么做,我受宠若惊,谢谢你。I didn no dat. I'm flattered, ty.

老人河,啊,老人河!Old man river, Dat old man river!

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不好意思我刚睡醒,所以回复你晚了。I'm sorry dat i reply u late coz i juz wk up.

修正了的Index.dat清洗需要重新启动。Removed need to reboot for Index. dat cleaning.

有时会闭上眼睛,有时不会。I oso like dat . But many time is close the eye.

大连汽车码头是商品车海运的北方门户。DAT is the north channel for automobile shipping.

逸白羊座女人把她的女儿了非常好的。Dat widder woman bring her daughters up very nice.

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巴克抵得上两个恶鬼哩。" Dat Buck two devils, " was Francois's rejoinder.

本来就应该这样,建成一切的人就该主宰一切。Dat was right too. De man dat built things oughta boss it.

果尔对一年生杂草的除草效果在处理后70天达8级以上。Coal was effective on annual weeds with grade over 8 in 70 DAT.

我认为有必要,我们多喝开水,每天。I think it necessary that we take plenty of hot water every dat.

“噢,这事已经过去了,”那个德国人说。“我现在不卖了。”"Oh, dat iss all over, " said the German. "I vill not sell now. "

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在这个时候,我是在一个工厂工作邮购销售DAT磁带。At this time I was working at a mail order facility selling DAT tapes.

每个DAT文件屏蔽对应的一组建筑物,可以根据需要灵活应用。Each DAT file blocks a certain group of MAXIS buildings, for flexibility.

临时文件、历史、饼干、自动完成表格的历史,更多。Temporary files, history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index. dat.

最后提出了数据库安全研究应当解决的几个问题。Finally, the open problems on research in Dat abase Security are discussed.

也就是说你至少还需要原数据库的控制文件。You cannot use CATALOG to catalog a file that belongs to a different dat abase.

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貌似我刚才又做了件蠢事,智商果然越来越低了,侧那。God, it seems dat I just did sth stupid again just now, IQ is lower n' lower, damn.

“斯帕斯打得真狠。”波瑞特边查看道道裂开的伤口边说。"Dat Spitz fight like hell, " said Perrault, as he surveyed the gaping rips and cuts.

因为他们想在奥运期间打赌中国,假惺惺的提出这问题。Becaz they want 2 bet on Chn under the olm games, hypocritically put forward dat question.