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河流的两岸被棉花树和红木树遮蔽住了。Its banks were shaded by cottonwood and redwood trees.

新年这一天,我们把它葬在了一棵枝繁叶茂的黑杨树下。We buried him on New Year's Day under a spreading cottonwood tree.

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你是女孩子吧,现在卡顿在发优惠卷呢!You are the girls about it and cottonwood in the hair does coupons!

我和乔根森在那个地方停下来,在杨树的荫凉处休息。At that point Jrgensen and I paused in the shade of a cottonwood to rest.

譬如,内布拉斯加州的“州树”是三叶杨,阿拉斯加的“州树”则是北美云杉。The "state tree" for Nebraska is cottonwood , for Alaska is Sitka Spruce.

实际上,下雪时即使几英里也很难登上卡顿山口。It was actually snowing very hard a few miles uphill toward Cottonwood Pass.

河流、小溪沿岸长势繁茂的柳树和棉白杨有助于河岸的稳固。Along waterways, vigorous willow and cottonwood growth helps stabilize stream banks.

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麦考瑞大学附近有一两房公寓的一间招租。There is a room of double rooms apartment located at Cottonwood Crescent, Macquarie University available.

本文详细介绍美洲黑杨无性系立地指数表的编制方法和步骤,为贵池市美洲黑杨无性系科学经营提供依据。The method and procedures of compilation of site index table were introduced in detail for cottonwood clones in Guichi.

这里远离尘嚣,偶有小猫的叫声和风吹过杨树发出的窸窣声。Here the world drops away. The only sounds are the occasional meow of a cat and the wind rustling through cottonwood trees.

天快要黑的时候,我们从白杨树里伸出头来,向上下游和眼前河面望了一阵。When it was beginning to come on dark, we poked our heads out of the cottonwood thicket and looked up and down , and across.

当游客抵达停车场后,沿着小路步入云杉与三角叶杨的茂盛丛林,壮美的提顿山脉渐渐淡出视野。After arriving at the parking lot, the visitor moves away from views of the Teton Range, through the spruce and cottonwood forest.

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红枫叶和棉白杨树上的金黄色宣布了秋天已经来到了犹他州锡安国家公园各个粉红色的砂岩峡谷。Red maple leaves and gold on a cottonwood announce the arrival of fall in the pink sandstone canyons of Zion National Park in Utah.

红枫树叶和金色的在一棵杨木宣告秋天的来到在非常健康砂岩峡谷的“天国国家公园”在犹他州。Red maple leaves and gold on a cottonwood announce the arrival of fall in the pink sandstone canyons of Zion National Park in Utah.

秋天在美国图片。红枫树叶和金色的在一棵杨木宣告秋天的来到在非常健康砂岩峡谷的“天国国家公园”在犹他州。Red maple leaves and gold on a cottonwood announce the arrival of fall in the pink sandstone canyons of Zion National Park in Utah.

里昂和姐夫肯恩把羊群赶到一块,关进牧羊营的羊圈,然后回到那棵大棉白杨树。Leon and his brother-in-law, Ken, gathered the sheep and left them in the pen at the sheep camp before they returned to the cottonwood tree.

鲍威乐树是东部古老的棉白杨生长在河边,鲍威乐路和鲍威乐大道的交叉处。The Balmville Tree is an old-growth Eastern cottonwood growing at the intersection of River Road, Balmville Road and Grand Avenue in Balmville, New York.

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用五种遗传稳定型分析方法对四个区域化试验点的5个美洲黑杨无性系生长量的基因型与环境交互作用进行了分析。The genotype-environment interaction of 4-year DBH growth was analyzed in 4 locations for 5 cottonwood clones by using 5 genetic stability analysis methods.

加利福尼亚棕榈泉附近的白水大峡谷自然保护区里面,一头年幼的黑熊被游人吓到后从一颗三角叶杨后面窥视。A black bear cub peers from a Cottonwood tree after being scared up there by a visitor to the Whitewater Canyon nature preserve near Palm Springs, California.

游客在一睹提顿山脉的全貌之前被引入了茂密的三角叶杨与云杉丛林,成为即将到来的空间序列高潮的铺垫。Before the experience of the Teton Range is revealed, the visitor is intentionally led through a crafted arrival sequence of dense cottonwood and spruce forest.