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我再也克制不住激动的心情。I couldn't constrain my excitement any longer.

这些缺陷制约了立案监督工作的开展。These deficiencies constrain supervision the work on file.

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发明一种燃料箱来限制氢气总是一项大挑战。Devising a fuel tank to constrain hydrogen has always been a challenge.

终端不等式的引入使系统具有双模控制结构。The system with terminal inequality constrain has a dual-mode structure.

我们只能在别人的所作所为对自己造成伤害时限制其自由。We should only constrain the liberty of others if what they do causes harm.

当然,这其中还有其他一些因素也限制了服务的范围。There are other factors, of course, that may constrain the scope of a service.

断言约束元素和属性的存在和它们的值。Assertions constrain the existence of elements and attributes and their values.

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中墩偏心距设置和约束形式的选择应慎重。Pay more attention to choose eccentricity of central piers and constrain types.

谁如果说这样的生活会压抑和损伤脑力和生命力,那绝对是胡说八道。It's all puffery and nonsense that can constrain and damage the mind and a life.

通过大消息服务器限制并发性或单线程请求。Constrain concurrency or single-thread requests through the large message server.

在一些情况下你可以限制这些参数来过滤匹配的值。You can constrain these parameters with conditions to filter the matching values.

我不会把这种绩效审查方法仅仅用在e-mail上。I'm not so tech-naive to constrain this performance review technique to email alone.

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有些批评人士会说,我们不应该对我国核力量施加任何限制。Some critics will argue that we should not constrain our nuclear efforts in any way.

少数老师总是倾向于限制学生的创造力和打击他们的积极性。A handful of teachers tend to constrain students' creativity and dampen their enthusiam.

首先,研究了基于约束控制的分布式多机器人编队控制策略。Firstly, the formation control of the multi-robot based on constrain equation is implemented.

在中苏分裂后,尼克松前往中国,而中国试图遏制在柬埔寨的越南。After sino-Soviet split, Nixon went to China and China tried to constrain Vietnam in Cambodia.

和拖动一样,元键在这里也可以用来约束调整尺寸操作的方向。As with dragging, a meta-key is often used to constrain the direction of a resize interaction.

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由于它是一个视图,因此可以加入谓词,以限制输出结果,使之符合要求。Since it is a view, you can add in your predicates to constrain the output result to what you need.

规则用于定义或限制商业的某些方面,以便制定更加明智的决策。Rules are used to define or constrain some aspect of the business to make more intelligent decisions.

经济学家说,这些因素将制约中国政府再次重振经济的能力。Those factors will constrain the government's ability to invigorate the economy again, economists say.