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都灵是一座无风的城市。Turin is a windless city.

今天是个风平浪静的日子。It's a windless day today.

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早晨,几乎无风,很暖。It's windless and warm in the morning.

山顶上,是高远、蔚蓝、无风的天空。And above the hills, the high blue windless sky.

他们是唯一有效的使用时,在无风的条件。They are only effective when used under windless conditions.

为了更稳定,船夫将三条船系在了一起。In order to better windless , boatman let the three boats together.

没有风的天外下好一片湛蓝,看看爽肤水。用你的双手紧紧地抓住明天。Right under the windless sky, gror net tomorrow with your own hands.

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无风的天气和有利的潮汐是登陆行动所必须的。Windless weather and favorable tides were required for the landing operations.

经历了从风平浪静的黄昏到这个黑暗时期,船明天也许将抵达芝加哥。From that windless dusk to this black age, tomorrow the ship is to reach Chicago.

这落叶大多为白杨树叶,它们即使在无风的日子里也颤动着身体。Most of them are the yellow leaves of poplars, which shake even in the windless air.

而且由于城市被丘陵环绕,在无风的日子,这里很闷热。And as the city is surrounded by hills, in windless days the air becomes really stuffy.

如今,在这个无风的二月,我在短暂的瞬间跨越到了生命崭新阶段。And now in this windless February instant Ihad crossed over into a new phase of living.

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同时他也喜欢在无风的日子驾着他的帆船出海,“只是为了挑战”。He also liked to take his sailboat out on the water on windless days, "just for the challenge.

一个清朗无风的夜晚,独自一人仰面躺下来静静地观赏天上的点点繁星。A cool and bright windless night, alone on his back to lie down and quietly watch the stars, the sky.

身为学生的赫克斯太太,用低倍放大摄影相机接近泡泡,还得耐心等待无风的一天。Mr Heeks, a student, used a macro camera to get in close and had to wait patiently for a windless day.

再生能源需要有效的存储,才能在多云、无风天气及夜晚得以使用。That means it needs to be efficiently stored so it can be utilized on cloudy, windless days and at night.

那天几乎一丝风都没有,有的只是我们滑冰的声音和鸟儿的叫声。It was totally windless and the only sounds were those of our skates and some birds in the open water near us.

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刚天亮时天气一如预报中的那样,太阳当空,没有风没有半片云彩。At daybreak, just as it was forecast, the sun was shining, it was windless and not even a wisp of cloudlet could be seen.

晴天、无风、高温干燥的地表是有利于葡萄果实日灼病发生的重要环境条件。So, the grape berries would be easier sunburned under the weather conditions of strong light, windless and high air temperature.

“这钓索很稳当,”老人对它说。“太稳当啦。夜里风息全无,你怎么会这样疲乏啊。鸟儿都怎么啦?”"It's steady, " the old man told him. "It's too steady. You shouldn't be that tired after a windless night. What are birds coming to?"