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然后BPA便过滤到容器里面。BPA then leaches into the containers.

短期的暴露在BPA环境中会导致不孕不育Short exposure to BPA can cause infertility

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大超市不再供应双酚A的奶瓶...The big-box stores won't carry BPA bottles.

双酚主要用于制造食物罐头的里衬。BPA is used in to make the inner linings of food cans.

两种类型的组织都能够代谢双酚A。Both types of tissue were also able to metabolize BPA.

经过一段时间的驯化培养,反应器污泥可以降解双酚A。After acclimation, the BPA was degraded by the sludge in the MBR.

化工行业声称BPA是最安全最有效的密封材料。The chemical industry says BPA is the safest, most effective sealant.

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Sigg说它的从前的水壶并不会渗出BPA。但是,他们到底有多安全呢?Sigg says its old bottles didn't leach any BPA. But, how safe are they?

除了收银机发票墨水之外,罐头食物内壁、淋浴帘、玩具甚至奶瓶里都有双酚A。BPA is also used in food cans, shower curtains, toys and babies bottles.

他说“假定双酚A能够通过皮肤吸收是非常合理的。”"It's reasonable to assume BPA can be absorbed through the skin, " he says.

研究表明,BPA具有内分泌干扰作用,是环境荷尔蒙物质。It has been reported that BPA was one of environmental endocrine disrupters.

此前的研究发现在接触双酚A的产业工人身上甚至具有更高的浓度。Previous studies in factory workers exposed to BPA found even higher levels.

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这也大大增强了质疑双酚A安全性并对其展开研究的必要性。This greatly strengthens doubts about the safety of BPA and the case for research.

BPA还被普遍用于制作金属的食物和饮料罐内的保护膜。BPA is also commonly used in protective coverings inside metal food and drink cans.

而且,暴露于BPA的鹿鼠对雌性鹿鼠的吸引力也明显下降。In addition, male deer mice exposed to BPA were less desirable to female deer mice.

代表BPA生产商的团体中包括陶氏化学公司,拜耳药厂和迈图高新材料集团。The group represents BPA producers including Dow Chemical Co., Bayer and Momentive.

还有多种蔬菜汁,水果汁和汤中也有BPA的痕迹。A variety of canned vegetable juices, fruit juices and soups also had traces of BPA.

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另一项新的研究将较高的BPA含量与男性精子数目变少联系了起来。One new study linked higher levels of BPA exposure with lower levels of sperm in men.

在上百种塑料制品,如水瓶、光盘、牙科密封剂等中都可以找到BPA的踪影。BPA is found in hundreds of plastic items from water bottles to CDs to dental sealants.

如果加拿大禁止BPA的计划得以实行,那么加拿大将会是世界上第一个取缔BPA的国家。Canada will be the first country in the world to ban BPA if the ban proceeds as planned.