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我深深地爱着他。I loved him deeply.

往昔情太浓。Too deeply to tell.

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我好感动。真系好感动。You touch me so deeply.

这令我极为关切。This concerns me deeply.

我被它深深地感动了。I was deeply moved by it.

这红字烙得太深了。It is too deeply branded.

这条路留有很深的车辙。The road was deeply rutted.

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连父亲都深深地被打动。Even father was deeply moved.

她的死使我深为悲恸。Her death affected me deeply.

您冒犯咃岢卟轻。You have offended him deeply.

我被这个电影深深感动了。I was deeply move by the flim.

去年我被伤的很深。I was gashed deeply last year.

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他仰坐着深深地呼气。He sat back and exhaled deeply.

今天我被深深感动和激励!I am deeply moved and inspired.

投资者深感忧虑。Investors are deeply concerned.

音乐深深打动了她。The music affected her deeply.

该党四分五裂。The party was deeply disunited.

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爱悳那么真、伤悳那么深。Love so real, so deeply injured.

如今,犯了大错,我深深懊悔不已。Now, a mistake, I deeply regret.

那只狗把他的脚咬的很深。The dog bit deeply into his leg.