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常规太阳能板的清洁是使用水。Cleaning the panels conventionally uses precious water.

常量和宏的命名一般是大写。Names of macros and constants are conventionally in uppercase.

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事实上,死亡这个主题,贯穿于芥川龙之介创作的始终。In fact , the theme of death conventionally throughout his writing.

交流电力系统的标称频率值。Conventionally , the values of frequency used in the electricity supply systems.

通常阀门和投入运行的装置都是安装在水平管道上。Conventionally , valves and commissioning sets are installed in horizontal pipework.

有三个单极的肢体导联习惯上用于临床心电图。Three unipolar limb leads are conventionally employed in clinical electrocardiography.

过去一直用点对点单点传送信息取得屏蔽同步。Point-to-point unicast messages have been conventionally used to achieve barrier synchronization.

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对于大多数人来说,一般都认为有机食品比传统的种植食品更健康。For many people, it is common sense that organic food is healthier than conventionally grown food.

圆柱形工件外表面镀铬常采用圆桶形阳极。Cylindrical anodes are conventionally used for chromium plating on surface of cylindrical articles.

有机植物为基础的食品,平均而言,比常规种植更有营养。Organic plant-based foods are, on average, more nutritious than their conventionally grown counterparts.

以往的预设研究是在句子的层面上进行的。Previous research on presupposition has been conventionally confined to the sentential level of language.

这里和传统写法的,唯一不同在于,常熟的标记形式。And the only difference between this and what's written conventionally is the way the constant is labeled.

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从列昂托夫斯基的三个传统公式到沈忠悦的一个通用公式,使岩层真厚度计算简便得多。The true thickness of strata is conventionally calculated by using the scalar quantity in the field survey.

传统的英语定冠词研究是在句子的层面上进行的。Previous research on the definite article has been conventionally confined to the sentential level of language.

在量测方面,时脉抖动是锁相回路重要的参数之一,而此参数的量测通常需要额外的量测仪器。Clock jitter is one of main issues for PLL and conventionally jitter measurement rely on the external equipment.

现在,让我们重点关注通常无法通过脚本实现自动化的广泛主题。For now, though, let's focus on the broad theme of automation of processes that aren't conventionally scriptable.

这种方法克服了诸如贴邮法、兆瓦英里法这些传统方法的缺点。The solution overcomes the drawbacks of conventionally used methods such as postage-stamp method and MW-miles method.

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与传统种植相比,有机种植和可持续种植的marionberries含有更多的多酚类物质。Higher levels of polyphenols were found in organic and sustainable marionberries as compared to conventionally grown ones.

实验证明该方法是可行的,可以代替传统所用的滴定法GB7702.7-87。The method is approved to be viable by experiment and can substitute the conventionally used titration method, GB7702.7 87.

温压工艺可达到比传统铁粉压块更高的密度与生坯强度。Warm compaction process yields higher density and improved green strength over conventionally processed iron powder compacts.