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基于无人驾驶飞机航拍数据的葡萄沟葡萄种植面积调查。Based on Pilotless Aircraft to the investigation of grape-growing area.

本文介绍“长空”超低空无人驾驶飞机的飞行控制系统。The paper introduces the flight control system of the pilotless aircraft.

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我们在建造更好的金属探测仪、装甲车和无人驾驶飞机。And we've been building better metal detectors, armored Humvees and pilotless drones.

本文对无人机双发助推的同步性进行了研究。研究对象是CK-1M遥控机。The synchronism of the CK-1M pilotless aircraft with boosters is studied in this paper.

这种飞机小,便宜,不用飞行员…This new kind of aircraft – small, cheap, pilotless – is attracting increasing attention.

当地媒体报道说死者大部分是儿童而此时无人驾驶的美国军队开始进行攻击。Locals said many of the dead were children and that pilotless American drones had begun the attack.

改装常用遥控飞机、遥控船上都会用到的伺服机。Re-equips the commonly used pilotless plane, controls remotely the server which on the ship can use.

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与此同时,其他国家也在推出自己越来越尖端的无人机。Meanwhile, other countries are stepping in with their own, increasingly sophisticated pilotless aircraft.

美方官员并未公开承认在巴基斯坦空袭地区使用无人驾驶飞机。American officials do not publicly admit to using the pilotless airplanes called drones in air strikes in Pakistan.

乘搭港铁东涌线到欣澳站,转乘无人驾驶的迪士尼线,由迪士尼主题列车行驶。Take MTR Tung Chung Line to Sunny Bay, Interchange pilotless Disneyland Resort Line. Whimsical Disney-themed trains.

自动引导车作为一种无人驾驶搬运车,是物流系统的关键设备。The automatic guided vehicle is one kind of pilotless van and is the essential equipment in modern logistics system.

长空发动机的控制是通过设计几个转速状态来实现的。For a certain type of pilotless aircraft, several rotative velocity states are set to perform the control of the engine.

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该地区的新闻报导说,至少有五人在星期一疑似美军无人飞机的袭击中身亡。News reports from the region say at least five people were killed in suspected U.S. pilotless aircraft strikes on Monday.

此时,根据掌握的情报,已经有证据表明德国正在发展无人驾驶的V-1型火箭。At that time, according to the information on hand, it was evident that the Germans were developing V-1 pilotless rockets.

论述了一种基于SD卡技术实现无人机载设备状态监测系统的实现方法。A method based on the SD card technology to implement the state detection of the device in pilotless aircraft is discussed.

美国已经加强用无人驾驶飞机对巴基斯坦境内的激进分子的目标进行导弹袭击。The United States has already stepped up missile strikes by its pilotless drone aircraft on militant targets inside Pakistan.

这些方法和结果均可作为无人机双发助推器发射起飞的设计依据。These experimental results and concepts may be used as the design basis of the twin boosters for launching the pilotless aircraft.

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这次空袭发生在瓦泽里斯坦南部部落地区的主要城镇瓦纳,这一部落地区被认为是武装分子的根据地,并在美军发动的一次猛烈空袭中被无人攻击机反复轰炸。The area is considered a militant stronghold, and has been hit repeatedly in an intense campaign of American strikes using pilotless drones.

阿富汗战争表明,我们需要无人驾驶飞机以及无需临近空军基地的远程轰炸机。Afghanistan highlighted the need for pilotless aircraft and long-range bombers that did not depend on the availability of nearby American air bases.

巴基斯坦官员表示,至少14名激进分子嫌疑人在该国西北地区被美国无人驾驶飞机发射的导弹击毙。Pakistani officials say at least 14 suspected militants have been killed in the northwest of the country by missiles fired from US pilotless aircraft.