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何全贵在2004年得知自己患上了矽肺病。He. Mr. He learned he had silicosis in 2004.

目的探讨矽肺的X线表现。Objective To approach the X-ray manifestations of silicosis.

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尘肺病主要为矽肺及煤工尘肺。Silicosis and coal worker pneumoconiosis were main kinds in Zhengzhou.

无论硅肺还是CWP的大结节团块都可以出现坏死和空洞。In both silicosis and CWP, these masses can undergo necrosis and cavitation.

谁要是怀疑患有矽肺,必须调做较轻的工作。Anyone suspected of suffering from silicosis must be shifted to lighter work.

矽肺合并肺癌多为早期矽肺,肺癌病变多分布在肺上叶,病理形态鳞癌较多。Most of the cases with silicosis complicated by lung cancer are in early stage.

对实验性狗矽肺使用肺灌洗术的作用进行了观察。The effects of lung lavage on the experimental silicosis of dogs were observed.

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克矽平对矽肺进程中胶原基因表达的增强有抑制作用。It is suggested that PVNO may inhibit the expression of collagen gene during silicosis.

论文描述了三名确诊为矽肺病的牙科实验室技师的病例。Paper describes the three diagnosed as silicosis cases of dental laboratory technician.

这些小结节表现可能是单纯性硅肺或单纯性CWP。These small nodules indicate the presence of "simple" or uncomplicated silicosis or CWP.

方法观察亚硒酸钠对各组大鼠实验性矽肺治疗后的病理形态改变。Methods Studying on pathological change of experimental silicosis due to sodium selenite.

PPD皮肤试验可以作为矽肺患者合并肺结核的初筛手段之一。PPD test may be acted as a screening measure for pulmonary tuberculosis in silicosis miners.

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本文对195例矽肺病人和104例健康工人的小气道功能进行了研究。Small airways function in 195 cases of silicosis and 104 cases of health workers are reported.

提示汉甲及克矽平对矽肺进程中的胶原基因表达增强有抑制作用。It was suggested that TT and PVNO may inhibit the expression of collagen gene during silicosis.

采用病例对照设计,选择184例男性矽肺病人为病例,111例男性无矽肺矿工为对照。A case control study was conducted. 184 male silicosis cases and 111 male controls were collected.

矽肺的基本病理改变是肺组织弥漫性纤维化和矽结节的形成。Diffuse lung fibrosis and silicotic nodule formation are a basic pathological change in silicosis.

目的研究矽肺抗纤维化治疗的远期疗效。Objective To investigate long term therapeutic effect of combined anti fibrosis drugs on silicosis.

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我是水泥厂的工人,听说矽肺可以转化癌,对不对呀?谁能帮帮我?I am the worker of cement plant, hear silicosis can change cancer, right incorrect? Who can help me?

目的观察单纯肺结核与矽肺合并结核的临床表现及与临床转归。Objective To observe the clinical manifestation and favorable recovery of single TB and silicosis TB.

目的在我国,矽肺病是危害工人健康最严重的职业病。ObjectiveIn our country, silicosis is the most serious vocational diseases that is harmful to workers.