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她长得非常普通,衣也过时。She looked very plain and dowdy.

这一理念也被应用到了一些小事情上,比如改善我们寒酸土气的制服。It was about the small things too, like our dowdy polyester uniforms.

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英勇和禀赋是潜行者下给衣衫褴褛的富孀的赌注。The prowess and endowment are the prowler's wager to the dowdy dowager.

你看不像村姑,虽然你说你的衣着老土。You really don't like a village girl although you said you dress dowdy.

道狄医生说,这样的血液测试会被广泛应用,主要是因为它的速度。Dr. Dowdy says the blood tests are widely used because of the speed of results.

现有建物的内部空间相对之下显得相当地黑暗、零乱和过时。The existing building's interior spaces by contrast are rather dark, cluttered and dowdy.

本土的联华超市正在对它的100家寒酸的商店进行升级改造,并取得了成功。And China's own Lianhua is upgrading 100 dowdy supermarkets in Shanghai with great success.

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这一头白发,一脸皱纹,一身邋遢的衣服,美艳性感的大明星完全。With long grey hair, wrinkles and dowdy clothes, the beautiful actress is barely recognisable.

对于出席隆重聚会的女特工来说,监控器具也不能显得太过寒酸。For the female mole attending a black-tie affair, surveillance equipment didn't have to be dowdy.

再回来找我。我说要50年代的裙下摆时“,我意思是像轻浮的玛丽莲一样,不太长慵懒卷卷的裙边。Then get back to me. When I said "'50s hemline, " I meant like flirty marilyn, not long, dowdy poodle skirt.

在与麦肯锡管理咨询公司的顾问约翰道迪共同研究的报告中,范•雷南先生总结说英国的管理层也有一定的过错。In a study with John Dowdy of McKinsey, a consultancy, Mr van Reenen concluded that British managers are partly at fault.

不需要像那些很奇怪的名字,像歌剧、阳光什么的,但要也不要太过时并和我的正常年龄比较相称。Not to anything outlandish like Devendra, Sunshine or Opera, but something a little less dowdy and more normal for my age. I'm only 21!

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大卫迪研究传染病在约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院在巴尔的摩,马里兰。他领导的研究之一。David Dowdy studies infectious diseases at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland. He led one of the studies.

俄罗斯的因图丽斯酒店后来被出售,其中包括它的那所曾经颇为过时的旗舰旅馆,就在克里姆林宫边上。Russia's Intourist hotels have since been sold off, including the travel company's once dowdy flagship hostelry just down the road from the Kremlin.

在“百万美元微笑”这一集,我们的女主角终于摘掉牙套,和那个土气又寒酸的形象说拜拜了。In a dream sequence, from a forthcoming episode in the show's final season called Million Dollar Smile, the much loved character finally loses her braces and shakes off her dowdy image.

在“百万美元微笑”这一集,我们的女主角终于摘掉牙套,和那个土气又寒酸的形象说拜拜了。In a dream sequence, from a forthcoming episode in the show's final season called Million Dollar Smile, the much loved character finally loses her braces and shakes off her dowdy image.

在海莱拉品味的处理之下,尽管这些大胆的花卉灵感来自于18世纪的植绘盘子,她周一的秀台上并没有陈旧或者寒酸。With Herrera's tasteful treatment, though, there was nothing ditzy, dated or dowdy on her runway Monday, even if the bold flowers themselves were inspired by botanical plates from the 18th century.