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腔隙性梗死患者的发病与血浆纤维蛋白原水平密切相关。The level of plasma fibrinogen is associated with lacunar infarction.

梗死后抑郁症的发生率与腔隙梗死灶的数量及非腔隙梗死的面积有关。The incidence of PCID was related to the infarct areas and lacunar numbers.

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软骨帽中有平顶样的透明软骨。The cartilaginous cap contained hyaline cartilage that retained its lacunar pattern.

有研究表明颈动脉疾病属于非皮质的腔隙性梗塞吗?Is Investigating for Carotid Artery Disease Warranted in Non-Cortical Lacunar Infarction?

出血性腔隙综合征的发病原因,主要由高血压引起。The incidence of hemorrhagic lacunar syndrome causes, mainly caused by high blood pressure.

在这例患者中,虽然有腔隙性脑梗塞,但灌注显示为正常。On the top a patient with a lacunar infarction on the left with normal perfusion territories.

结论糖尿病微血管病变是腔隙产生的危险因素之一。Conclusion Diabetic microvascular complication is one of the risk factors of lacunar infarction.

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血脑屏障破坏能够造成腔隙性卒中、脑白质疏松和痴呆吗?Is Breakdown of the Blood-Brain Barrier Responsible for Lacunar Stroke, Leukoaraiosis, and Dementia?

目的探讨腔隙性脑梗塞与颅内脑动脉狭窄的关系。Objective To study the correlation between lacunar cerebral infarction and cerebral arterial stenosis.

提示腔隙性脑梗塞的病因主要是高血压,它的发生和高血压的程度及其持续时间的长短有关。The incidence of lacunar infarcts was markedly higher in patients with severe changes in ocular fundus P.

CT质量控制可以提高基底节区腔隙性梗塞的诊断准确率为患者的治疗赢取时间。CT can improve the quality control of basal ganglia lacunar infarction diagnostic accuracy for patients to win time.

侧脑室周围白质对称性、弥漫性密度减低是该病主要CT表现,常伴腔隙性脑梗塞,或并发脑溢血。Diffuse, symmetric and nonhomogeneous lower density around lateral ventricle is main appearance in CT, companied with lacunar infarcts.

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目的明确高胰岛素血症是否为腔隙性脑梗死的独立危险因素,并探讨其机制。Objective To identify whether hyperinsulinism is an independent risk factor for lacunar infarction and to discuss its possible mechanism.

目的总结老年高血压并发腔隙性脑梗死的诊断与急诊处理经验。Objective To summarize the experience in diagnosis and emergency treatment of elderly patients complicated by lacunar cerebral infarction.

MRI显示双侧对称的白质脑病和多发性脑梗死。Cranial MRI on the symptomatic patient demonstrated bilateral symmetric leukoencephalopathy and multiple small subcortical lacunar infarcts.

缓进型高血压小动脉硬化导致小范围的腔隙性梗死灶,脑桥上可见一此种病变。The arteriolar sclerosis that results from chronic hypertension leads to small lacunar infarcts or "lacunas" one of which is seen here in the pons.

人工视觉判断腔隙性梗塞的程度,深灰质的容积、脑室容积及腔隙性梗塞的存在与否反应脑部小血管病变的程度。Lacunar infarcts were rated visually. Volumes of deep white matter and WML and presence of lacunar infarcts reflected cerebral small vessel disease.

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目的探讨伴有基底节钙化的婴幼儿外伤后腔隙性脑梗塞的发病机理和治疗效果。Objective To explore the pathologic mechanism and treatment of posttraumatic cerebral lacunar infarction in infants with basal ganglia calcifications.

结果外伤性腔隙性脑梗塞好发于基底节-内囊区,均位于豆状核、尾状核及内囊区,呈小片腔隙性低密度影。Results The infarctions appeared as small lacunar lesions, and were located mainly in the regions of lenticular nucleus, caudate nucleus and internal capsule.

方法对285例腔隙性脑梗死患者给予胞二磷胆碱、葛根素治疗,对合并基础疾病的患者同时给予对症治疗。Method Treat 285 cases of lacunar cerebral infarction with cytidine diphosphate choline and puerarin, and treat pointing to symptoms for those with basic diseases.