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这是人民内部的小矛盾。This is an intramural scrimmage.

你能解释一下什么是内部体育运动吗?Can you explain what intramural sports are?

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杰夫在中学时参加了校内篮球赛。Jeff played intramural basketball in high school.

校内运动,人们很喜欢。Intramural sports, people get like pretty into it.

您可以尽情的参与到多个校内运动之中。You may participate in a variety of intramural sports.

子宫壁内和浆膜下各有一平滑肌瘤。The uterus has an intramural and a subserosal leiomyoma.

除此之外,我们还有一个大型的内部运动团队。But outside of that, we have a large intramural sport team.

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农业研究院是美国农业部主要内部科学研究机构。ARS is the USDA's principal intramural scientific research agency.

大学边界是由其内部的交易成本决定的。The university boundary is decided by its intramural dealing cost.

每个住宿学院都有校内赛的队伍,and each residential college will have a team for an intramural sport

将集中科研机构组成一个内部项目。A consortium of research institutions will form an intramural program.

在大学里,我整天忙于学习、校内体育活动和俱乐部活动。In college, I filled my days with studying, intramural sports, and clubs.

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十二指肠壁内血肿合并致命性胰脏炎是相当罕见的。Fatal pancreatitis secondary to intramural duodenal hematoma is very rare.

论文阶段由校内导师和校外导师共同承担。Thesis should be instructed by both intramural and extramural academic advisor.

井邑云恨一聚村,寻诗来扫壁间尘。Jeongeup clouds gather hate a village, find poetry to sweep the intramural dust.

在未来的一两周,校内有各种不同的运动比赛。We are having several intramural athletic competition events in the next two weeks.

是介于校际运动代表队和校内运动代表队之间的一种运动团体。Club Sports – A level of sports that falls somewhere between varsity and intramural.

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断续声从云表落,悠扬韵向壁间侵。Intermittent sound from the cloud-table, melodious rhyme to the intramural invasion.

方法用半薄、超薄切片、光镜和电镜下观察大鼠淋巴管的微细分布。Methods The intramural lymphatics of rectum in rats were studied by light and electron microscopy.

还是在今天,凯文杜兰特跑去打校内橄榄球的视频也曝光了。This comes on the same day that Kevin Durant's intramural flag football exploits were made public.