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尝试放一些腐殖酸在小麦皮塔面包上。Try humus on wheat pita bread.

我们的重点在堆肥是创造腐殖质。Our focus in composting is to create humus.

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我们的重点是在制造堆肥腐殖质。Our focus in composting is to create humus.

如果您不知道什么是腐殖质,加入这个俱乐部。If you do not know what Humus is, join the club.

疏松,易碎的土壤,富含腐殖质并适宜种植。Loose, friable soil, rich in humus and fit for planting.

腐殖质土是培育油松苗的很好基质。Humus soil is the best culture substrate for Chinese pine.

试着将豆酱、腐殖品或者其他美味的调料加到蔬菜中。Try bean dips, humus and other fun sauces on your vegetables.

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多腐殖质的松土地带出生的,笋质最好。Loosen the soil humus zone multi-birth, and shoots the best quality.

有时大雨之后,雨水会把腐殖土冲到河里。Sometimes after heavy rain, the water carries the humus down to a river.

地球表面含有腐殖质和被分解的岩石的部分。The part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock.

他们可以在农田附近植树挡风,这样,风就不会把腐殖土吹跑了。These will stop the force of the wind, and then it cannot blow the humus away.

这个过程导致了腐殖质的生产,并且对土壤形成过程起着重要作用。This process leads to the production of humus and is important in soil formation.

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这样,雨水就不会直冲到河里,腐殖土也因此得以保持。Then the water will not rush down to the river, and the humus will stay in its place.

正是在这一阶段,堆肥变成良好的、疏松芳香的腐殖质土。It is during this stage that the compost turns into good, crumbly fragrant, humus earth.

火土和腐殖土是贵州生产地毯式草坪最经济有效的培养基质。Ash soil and humus soil are the economical and effective medium for culturing carpet lawn.

人们应该种植更多的树木和花草,来防止风带走腐殖土层。People should grow more and more trees and grass to stop wind from carrying the humus away.

流水冲走土壤表面的腐殖质和营养成分的过程。Leaching The removal of humus and soil nutrients in solution by water moving down the soil profile.

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腐殖土含有枯死植物的养料,动物的粪便也掉在地上。Humus contains materials taken from dead plants, and the waste matter from animals also falls on it.

胡敏酸甲氧基功能团的含量多寡是衡量土壤腐殖质化的重要指标。The content of methyl functional group of humus is an important index to evaluate the humification of soil.

砂岩发育的土壤主导因子是土层厚度、非毛管孔隙度和腐殖质层厚度。The major factors of the soil developed from granite were volume weight, non-capillary porosity and humus depth.