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新春大礼送给你!Lunar New Year gift to you!

幻月,假月月晕上的光斑。A luminous spot on a lunar halo.

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春节即农历新年。The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year.

农历八月十八是一年一度的观潮日。The annual lunar August 18, tidal bore is.

这是农历年中第一个月圆之夜!It's the first full moon of the lunar year!

月蚀每个月都会出现吗?为什么?Does a lunar eclipse appear every month?Why?

祝所有庆祝中国新年的人猴年快乐。Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate it.

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恭祝农历己丑牛年新春吉祥如意!Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Jichou Ox Year!

一年一度的农历六月初六,是羌民族的祭山会。The ceremony is held annually in lunar June 6.

学校学务虎年新春晚会。Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration Performance.

恭祝农历戊子鼠年新春吉祥!Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Wuzi Mouse Year!

在农历五、六月是黄皮成熟的季节。Lunar 5, June is the season of yellow maturity.

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阿尔德林和阿姆斯特朗的月球首餐包括火鸡Aldrin and Armstrong First Lunar Meal was Turkey

你愿意花多少金钱在年宵买东西?。How much would you spend in Lunar New Year Fair?

这是真的,你知道李捷和月球大使馆吗?It"s true, do you know LiJie and Lunar Embassy?"

月球山谷的形成仍是一个谜。The formation of lunar rilles remains a mystery.

美国退出登月计划让中国瞄上月球。US lunar pull-out leaves China shooting for moon.

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三月中燕子已经筑好了它的巢穴。In March lunar swallows have got their nests ready.

学校学务虎年新春海报比赛截止收件。Last day to turn in Chinese Lunar New Year posters.

那么日食或月食又意味着什么?好运,坏运?。Then what does Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse mean?