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对于中国人来说,这个信息是令人不快的。That’s unpalatable to the Chinese audience.

他对死刑存废的见解许多人都不以为然。His views on capital are unpalatable to many.

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他对死刑存废的见解许多人都不以为然。His views on capital punishment are unpalatable to many.

这似乎是自相矛盾的。That seems like a very unpalatable combination of views.

他不敢把溜人不快的真情告踢他们。他是条哑吧狗。He is afraid to tell the unpalatable truths. He is a dumb dog.

这似乎是最能让人接受的选择了。But if we--and that seems the least unpalatable of the alternatives.

大多数处理悬置债务的方法都不太令人愉快。Most of the options for dealing with the debt overhang are unpalatable.

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关于主权信用违约掉期的辩论是烟幕,掩盖了一个令人不快的真相。The sovereign-CDS debate is a smokescreen to obscure an unpalatable truth.

在强化型食品中出现的金属味或无味是不能让人接受的。People cannot bear the metal and unpalatable flavor in the intensified foods.

说话间他会扬起他那胡子拉碴的下巴,似乎在沉思那些令他不快的事实。Between sentences he would work his stubbly chin as if chewing on unpalatable facts.

卡扎菲“说出了其他人”——那些精英们——“所不敢言的令人不快的真相”。Qaddafi "spoke the unpalatable truths that others" -- those elites -- "did not dare to articulate."

碾碎不用的药丸,把它们混在猫粪、用过的咖啡渣或其它不受欢迎的东西中扔掉。Crush unused pills and throw them away in kitty litter, used coffee grounds, or other unpalatable items.

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其馀土地多半荒废掉,长满无法食用的杂草,也供养不了几头牛羊。The remainder is often unusable, infested with unpalatable weeds and able to support few cattle or goats.

奥巴马的幸运之处在于,不仅激进分子觉得此议案不合胃口,保守派也对此恨之入骨。Mr Obama's good fortune is that it is not only progressives who find the deal unpalatable. Conservatives hate it too.

现在的情况和当时相同,没有萨达姆•侯赛因的伊拉克会四分五裂,波斯湾就只剩伊朗称霸,这种解决方案令人无法接受。Now as then, the splintering of a Saddam-less Iraq would leave Iran the dominant gulf power, an unpalatable solution.

但是,这并不符合中国领导人的胃口,他们担心的是数百万农民失业所产生的社会影响。But that is unpalatable to China's leaders, who fear the social consequences of putting millions of farmers out of work.

穆勒氏拟态不适口的种彼此相似,被掠食者辨认出且避开的状况。Mullerian mimicry The condition where unpalatable species resemble each other, and are recognised and avoided by predators.

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还有一些事同样倒胃口。某些政客把这次灾难当做资本,来推进他们的支持或反对克里姆林宫的活动。Equally unpalatable were the attempts by some politicians to capitalise on the tragedy to advance their own pro- or anti-Kremlin agendas.

但是其他一些保守派更喜欢在赤字上做文章而非税务。他们视增值税为菜单中一道不合口味的坏选择。But some other conservatives, more deficithawkish and less tax-focused, see a VAT as one of the less unpalatable of a menu of bad options.

一些西方国家可能对此并不情愿,但梅伊尔说,“伊朗单独不受检查的选择会更糟糕。”This might seem unpalatable to some western governments, but "the alternative, Iran going it alone without inspections, is worse", he says.