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我家住在萝莎路56号。I live on 56 Rosa Road.

没有无刺玫瑰。Non c'e rosa senza spine.

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罗莎带着巨大的热情写作。Rosa wrote with great verve.

他跌倒时扭伤了踝骨。Rosa fell and sprained her ankle.

罗莎·莫里森,你来同布鲁斯·里德认识一下好吗?。Rosa Morison, do you know Bruce Read?

罗沙下了伦敦的出租车。Rosa is getting out of a London taxi.

罗莎?莫�森,你见过布鲁斯?�德吗?。Rosa Morison, have you met Bruce Read?

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罗莎·莫里森,你见过布鲁斯·里德吗?。Rosa Morison, have you met Bruce Read?

萝莎对这件事感到烦恼。Rosa was annoyed about the whole thing.

“您是桑多瓦尔太太吗?”霍默问。"Are you Mrs. Rosa Sandoval?" Homer said.

请告诉罗斯先生尽快赶来。Please tell Mr. Rosa to come here flat-out.

同时Cardoza还表示此人来自圣罗莎。Cardoza said only that he was from Santa Rosa.

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罗莎-莫里森,我想请你见见布鲁期-里德。Rosa Morison, I'd like you to meet Bruce Read.

罗莎·莫里森,我想请你见见布鲁期·里德。Rosa Morison, I'd love you to meet Bruce Read.

“G街1129号罗莎•桑多瓦尔太太的,”霍默说。"Mrs. Rosa Sandoval, 1129 G Street, " Homer said.

1839年成立的马特罗莎是镇内最老的饭店。Built in 1839, Monte Rosa is the oldest hotel in town.

霍默知道,罗莎?桑多瓦尔太太看到他大吃了一惊。Homer knew that Mrs. Rosa Sandoval was shocked to see him.

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你可以大谈你心爱的梅,也可以为你的罗莎丽而歌唱。You may talk about your Dearest May, and sing of Rosa Lee.

您好,我是1270房的客人,我叫罗莎·奎克。Hello. I'm the guest in Room 1270 and my name is Rosa Quick.

圣罗莎精选赤霞珠产自于智利中央山谷。This Santa Rosa Cabernet Sauvignon comes from Central Valley.