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放松疗法。Relaxation therapy.

开始电震疗法。Commencing Shock therapy.

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你曾进行过某些疗法吗?Have you ever had therapy?

她的菜园也是一种治疗法。Her garden is also therapy.

激素替代疗法。Hormone replacement therapy.

这是逃避现实的疗法。This is an escapist therapy.

她把这叫做“裸体疗法”。She calls this “Naked Therapy.

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吹符乐疗法。Blows the symbol happy therapy.

音乐疗法是如何起作用的?Q. How does music therapy work?

药物和治疗能够有帮助。Medication and therapy can help.

华法林治疗时如何监测?。How is warfarin therapy monitored?

治疗以非手术治疗为主。The main therapy was non-operation.

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音乐疗法并不能立竿见影。Music therapy does not cure at once.

因而它是一种体外疗法。It is thus an extracorporeal therapy.

类似物价格昂贵,副作用大,难以长期治疗。The price of GnRH- a therapy is high.

向医生询问激素疗法。Ask your doctor about hormone therapy.

我把所有的钱花在你的治疗费上。I spend all our money on your therapy.

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精神分析是一种治疗方法。Psychoanalysis is a method of therapy.

许多人对没有抗血栓治疗。Many were on no antithrombotic therapy.

马克接受了奥尔夫音乐疗法。Mark was referred to Orff Music Therapy.