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海运业务的金融投资者可能会有些晕船。Seaborne financial investors could be in for a bout of seasickness.

海运动力煤交易从2001年的3.85亿吨增长到了今年的6.9吨。Seaborne trade in thermal coal rose to about 690 million tons this year, up from 385 million in 2001.

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下面将不止一次地提到朝贡体系,我们也应回到海上运输这个话题上来。The tributary system will be referred to more than once below, and we will also return to the practice of seaborne trade.

自从2006年以来,针对奈及利亚油井设备的海上攻击,已经迫使该国的石油出口量从2200万减少到今天的1600万左右。Seaborne attacks on its facilities since 2006 have progressively cut Nigerian oil exports from 2.2m barrels a day to 1.6m or so today.

产业结构不仅影响着社会经济的发展和对外贸易,也直接影响着海运货流量和货种结构。Industrial structure not only influences social economy and foreign trade, but also volume of seaborne trade cargo and cargo structure.

世界领先的船舶经纪相信,随着中国需求量的强筋势头,2010年全球铁矿石的海上运输交易量,将会在第一时间突破10亿吨大观。LEADING shipbrokers believe continued Chinese demand will drive 2010 global seaborne trade in iron ore past 1bn tonnes for the first time.

新潜艇或将帮助台湾挑战中国大陆的海上进攻力量。New submarines could help challenge any Chinese seaborne assault on the self-governing island, which Beijing reserves the right to take by force.

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沿岸一直流传著靠运送古柯碱而一夕致富的谣言,其中最常被提到的就是仙地海滩。Rags-to-riches tales involving seaborne cocaine have become part of the local lore on the coast, and the islet of Sandy Bay is spoken of frequently.

美国提出的草案谴责这次核试验,要求対所有从朝鲜进出的货船进行检查以及实施一系列的金融和军事制裁。The US draft condemns the test, calls for inspection of all seaborne cargo to and from North Korea and an array of financial and military sanctions.

由于沿途只在海上补给船或岸基加油站作短暂停留,这个部队单位几小时内就能到达目的地。With short halts along the way at seaborne resupply vessels or land-based refueling sites, the force package would reach its objective within hours.

我们正从后勤的角度讨论几种海上救援形式是否可行,例如用登陆艇搬运物资等。We are in discussions from a logistics point of view to look at seaborne aid in one form or the other, floating warehouses with landing craft, etc.

与陆基固定导弹发射井不同,根本没人能够确定格莱米卡这些水下巨型导弹基地的方位,更别谈什么摧毁了。Unlike land-based ballistic rockets in fixed locations, no enemy could find, let alone destroy the seaborne weapons carried on the huge subs from Gremikha.

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去年穿越马六甲海峡的7万4千艘船只承载了全球三分之一的海运货物,其中大部分船只都经常通过南中国海。Of the 74,000 vessels, carrying one-third of global seaborne trade, that passed through the Strait of Malacca last year, most also plied the South China Sea.

市场容量巨大导致竞争激烈,高度竞争性又使得干散货运价变化莫测,走势激烈。The large market size of seaborne trade results in intensive competition, which in turn makes the freight of dry and bulk cargos changeable and unpredictable.

盘子下面装置了一个辐射检测仪,用来记录你食用的寿司是否吸收了过多的辐射,这些辐射是今年早些时候在福岛核泄漏事故中从海上传来的。Underneath the plate is a radiation meter that logs whether your sushi has absorbed too much seaborne radiation from the Fukushima disaster earlier this year.

澳大利亚昆士兰是全球最大的海运煤炭出口基地,最近该州连降暴雨,造成数十所煤矿停产,煤运铁路和公路封闭。Torrential rains in Queensland, the world's biggest exporter of seaborne coal, have idled dozens of mines and shut rail lines and roads needed to transport coal.

使人觉得如在画中,在森林、青山、绿水间,床如一叶扁舟,载着幸福伴侣,在爱河中漂流。In making if be in, the person feels to draw, between forest, green hill, green water, the bed smalls boat like one leaf, carrying happy spouse, seaborne in loving a river.

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受江南西海珠城广场施工工地塌方事件影响的江南西海运集团隔山1号宿舍楼的57户居民,自26日接到回迁的通知后就再也坐不住了。Pearl City Plaza construction site landslides affected Jiang Nan West seaborne groups pulling 1st dormitory of 57 households, 26 had accelerated since the notice, restless.

南海领域是世界重要的海上通道,多于三分之一的海上运输贸易在此进行,并且普遍认为在海底拥有大量的石油天然气。The region is a conduit for more than one-third of the world's seaborne trade and half its traffic in oil and gas, and major petroleum deposits are believed to lie below the seabed.

随着我国集装箱运输和国际货物多式联运的蓬勃发展,介于对外贸易和运输行业之间的服务行业也面临着一场深刻的变革。With the rapid and remarkable advances in seaborne containerize transport and multimodal transport, the service industry between foreign trade and transportation is faced with expound change.