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你们也喜爱飞轮海吗?Fahrenheit you like it?

怎样从华氏温度获得摄氏温度。How to get Celsius from Fahrenheit.

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您应该看到对应的华氏温度的值。You should see a value in Fahrenheit.

温度计上是华氏70度。The thermometer stood at 70 Fahrenheit.

当达到32华氏时水开始结冰。Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

水在32华氏度结冰。Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

您可以选择华氏温标或摄氏温标。You can also select Fahrenheit or Celsius.

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华氏温标是种有趣的温标。The Fahrenheit scale is an interesting scale.

所以这个是怎么从华氏温度获得摄氏温度。So this is how to get Celsius from Fahrenheit.

水在华氏三十二度时结冰。Water freezes at thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit.

我很喜欢飞轮海组合,他们是我的偶像。I like Fahrenheit combination, they are my idol.

益生菌存放温度不克不及跨越75华氏摄氏度。Culturelle must not exceed 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

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用华氏度数表示的绝对温标。An absolute temperature scale in fahrenheit degrees.

天冷得很,也许到了华氏零度。It was freezing cold, perhaps zero degrees Fahrenheit.

星形盘状的也会在接近华氏5度下形成。Plates and stars again form near 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

当时的夏季气温降到了华氏9度。Summer temperatures there dropped 9 degrees Fahrenheit.

他被问到水的沸点是华氏多少度。He was asked for the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit.

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还有,我真的很想念飞轮海,你和飞轮海。And, I really miss Fahrenheit, you know. You and Fahrenheit.

在美国,温度是用华氏刻度来衡量的。In America, temperature is measured on the Fahrenheit scale.

下面我们继续来讨论温标,我们讨论过。We talked about the Celsius scale then the Fahrenheit scale.