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为什么日本会是一个如此不平衡的经济呢?Why is Japan such a lopsided economy?

但贸易流动严重一面倒。But trade flows are terribly lopsided.

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它的髋骨向一侧突出,成三角形。His hipbones jutted out in lopsided triangles.

汤姆对摄影师摆出吐舌微笑的招牌动作。Tom flashed his trademark lopsided grin at the photographers.

这是辩论史上最不平衡的幅度。It was the most lopsided margin in the history of the debates.

现今对腧穴概念的理解是不全面的。The current recognition of the concept of acupoint is lopsided.

巴塞罗那一边倒的胜利是令人心服口服的。Which would make Barcelona's lopsided win even more impressive.

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手术结束时,她的面部仍然歪向一边,且有些青肿。When he finishes, her face is still lopsided and slightly bruised.

嘴角不在同一方向,倾向一方的微笑。mouth corners are pointing in different directions, in a lopsided smile.

那天晚上,我在那丛不对称的杜鹃花丛旁边拔除野草。Later that evening, I began pulling weeds from around my lopsided azalea bush.

那天晚上,我正在为向一边倾斜的杜鹃花丛清理杂草。Later that evening, I began pulling weeds from around my lopsided azalea bush.

打架开始时,两队战成平手,尽管双方犯规次数相差悬殊。The two teams were tied at the time of the fight, despite the lopsided foul count.

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这样就导致了粒子物理学家们认为物理学的定律是不对称的。This has led particle physicists to suggest that the laws of physics are lopsided.

数周和数月的游泳后,你的技术逐渐变得畸形和螃蟹状。Over weeks and months of swimming your technique gradually become lopsided and crabby.

结果造成了倾侧失衡的爆炸,而这解释了为何超新星的遗迹会那麽歪斜。The consequence is a lopsided explosion, explaining why supernova remnants are so skewed.

共和党人控制的众议院上个月以一边倒的70票赞成26票反对通过了条例。The Republican-controlled House approved the measure with a lopsided 70-26 vote last month.

但是我们也必须看到,目前国产软件产业的整个格局并不平衡。But we also must see, the whole situation of homebred software industry is at present lopsided.

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这个来自美国西岸的球队在场上丝毫没有手下留情,最后他们以比数112-57取得一面倒大胜。The West Coast team was ruthless at both ends of the court and won the lopsided contest 112-57.

但由于片面化和绝对化的缘故,其诗论也存在值得商榷的地方。However, there remain some viewpoints to be discussed due to his lopsided and absolute opinions.

虽然人们预测艾森豪威尔将打败阿德莱•史蒂文森,但是,没有人认为他会取得如此一面倒的胜利。Although Eisenhower was expected to defeat Adlai Stevenson, no one imagined so lopsided a victory.