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克里巴里只是做了些理疗。Cribari only did physiotherapy treatments.

做物理疗法。我是运动物理疗师。Physiotherapy . I'm a orts physiotherapist.

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我建议你作理疗。I suggest that you get physiotherapy treatment.

经医生推荐的物理治疗。Physiotherapy on referral by a Medical Practitioner.

因左膝受伤,他将接受物理治疗。He will receive physiotherapy on his damaged left knee.

医药,护理,理疗以及其它相关专业medicine, nursing, physiotherapy and other allied professions

刚度测量中模拟脊椎物理治疗。Measurement of stiffness during simulated spinal physiotherapy.

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克莉斯汀在她的理疗诊所见到过一些孩子。Kristin has met some of the children at her physiotherapy clinic.

是的。我想到时候会有很多运动员需要物理疗法…Yes. I'm sure there will be a lot of athletes needing physiotherapy.

是的。我想到时候会有很多运动员需要物理疗法…B Yes. I'm sure there will be a lot of athletes needing physiotherapy.

腿骨折后她需要一个六个月的理疗疗程。She needed a six-month course of physiotherapy after she broke her leg.

请你拿这张单子到理疗科去作治疗。Please go with this paper to the physiotherapy department for treatment.

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无毒无副作用---健康科学的方法理疗胸部。Non-toxic no side effects --- Health Sciences chest physiotherapy methods.

小儿麻痹症患者需要物理疗法防止病肢萎缩。Polio victims need physiotherapy to prevent the atrophy of affected limbs.

家庭物理治疗是一种有效的脑瘫治疗方法。Family physiotherapy is an effective method for cerebral palsy in children.

与斯文森,国联,1990年。刚度测量中模拟脊椎物理治疗。Svensson, NL, 1990. Measurement of stiffness during simulated spinal physiotherapy.

这是昆士兰大学物理疗法系的网站。This is the website for Department of Physiotherapy , The University of Queensland.

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这两名后卫球员将休息3到4天并接受物理治疗。The two players will rest for 3-4 days undergoing physiotherapy for their contusions.

将缺席11名国家队的队员,西索科也要开始他的理疗。The absentees consisted of the 11 internationals and Sissoko who began his physiotherapy.

最近,卡梅伦已结束了物理治疗,现在虽然还有点微瘸,但奔跑和玩耍都不成问题。Cameron has recently finished her physiotherapy and can now run and play, with a slight limp.