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驾驶这种没有排气管的汽车感觉真是很棒。It's a wild feeling driving without a tailpipe.

在别人的汽车排气管里放个气球,车发动时发出爆炸声。Put a balloon on the tailpipe of a someone’s car so it will pop when they start their car.

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女郎果然照做了,她开始拼命给排气管打气。When she got home, she started blowing into the tailpipe and her blonde girlfriend saw her.

“设计目标旨在替代计程车并改造动力总成,从而实现零尾气排放,”温南德说道。"The intent is to take the taxis and retrofit a powertrain that has zero tailpipe emissions, " said Winand.

于是对她说你只要把它带回去,然后往排气管里吹气,只到它自动凸出来。So he told her all she had to do was to take it home and blow in the tailpipe until the dent popped itself out.

他的回国正好赶上国内汽车行业的变革,政府主导减少汽车尾气排放。His return coincided with a surge in domestic car production and government-led efforts to reduce tailpipe emissions.

书中还写到,汽车尾气排放量的减少将使空气变得清新,并每年减少数以千计的肺病患者。And less tailpipe pollution will clear the air, saving thousands of lives per year from pulmonary complications, he writes.

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通过直管噪声与带消声器的尾管声压级的对比,发现在低频段有一峰值。We make a comparison in tailpipe noise between straight pipe and muffler, it is seen that there is a sharp peak in low frequent.

奥巴马总统正在采取行动,他已经提高了汽车尾气排放标准,并且已启动了为‘总量限制与交易’计划立法的行动。President Obama is doing it, he has done the tailpipe standards, he has started putting in legislation for a cap-and-trade scheme.

电动汽车的支持者还提到电动车零尾气排放的特点,尽管在生产给汽车充电的电力能程中还是产生了温室气体排放。Proponents ofelectric cars also point to their zero tailpipe emissions, though theelectricity to charge the cars creates emissions.

我厂专业生产汽车消声系统产品,包括各类消声器尾管及相关产品。I plant professional sound system automobile production products, including various types of noise on tailpipe and related products.

例如亚马逊的植物,持有一千亿吨的碳量,相当于重工业和排气管15年的排射量。Amazon flora, for instance, holds more than 100 billion metric tons of carbon, equal to 15 years of tailpipe and smokestack emissions.

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内涵尾喷管是某航天发动机的关键部件,采用可焊接铸造高温合金K487无余量整体精密铸造而成。Inner- tailpipe nozzle, which cast by investment casting with superalloy K487, is one of the key components of the spaceflight engine.

用于林木病虫害防治的便携式脉冲烟雾机,其燃烧室喷管为主要工作部件。A portable pulse fogger is mainly used in forestry disease and insect control. The combustion chamber and its tailpipe are main parts of the fogger.

氢燃料不仅兼顾电力机车的“零排放”有点,而且克服了驾驶距离短和充电时间长的一般缺点。Hydrogen offers the benefits of battery-electric vehicles — namely zero tailpipe emissions — without the drawbacks of short range and long recharge times.

汽车需要在家里插座上充电六个小时,排出的尾气通过排气筒将送到当地发电厂,那里尾气容易得到控制。The car will take six hours to recharge from a home outlet— outsourcing pollution from your tailpipe to your local power plant, where it may be easier to control.

只要电动汽车所需要的电能是由矿物燃料发电厂输送,就意味着污染不过是从汽车排气管转移到了发电厂的烟囱而已。As long as the electricity consumed by the car is generated by a fossil-fuelled power plant then the pollution is only deferred from the tailpipe to the smoke stack.

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像电动汽车一样,新计程车不会产生任何尾气排放,但与电池动力汽车不同的是,它只需几分钟就能加满燃料。Like electric vehicles, the new taxi does not produce any emissions from its tailpipe but, unlike battery-electric cars, it will only take a few minutes to fill up from empty.

知情人士说,汽车生产商已经暂时同意撤消对各州就汽车温室气体排放设置限制的合法性的起诉。Auto makers tentatively have agreed to drop litigation challenging the legality of state-level curbs on tailpipe greenhouse-gas emissions, people familiar with the matter said.

提出了一种尾喷管与进气道整流罩保形设计方案,既保持导弹外形特征不变,又与尾喷管内型面实现一体化保形设计。A kind of conformal design scheme for tailpipe nozzle and inlet cowl was put forward, which not only keeps missile shape, but also realizes integral conformal design with inner contour of nozzle.