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怀孕期间的生理变化可能使病状加重。Hormonal changes during pregnancy may worsen the symptoms.

大量中间性的病例可以追溯到激素的致病原因。A number of intersex conditions can be traced to hormonal causes.

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许多多囊卵巢患者体重下降改善了激素状态。Weight loss improves the hormonal condition of many PCOS patients.

森斯补充说,每个人对这种高荷尔蒙的体验不同。Goosens added that everyone experiences this hormonal high differently.

大多数男人似乎都非常想知道女人什么时候处于激素高峰期。Most men would give anything to know when a woman is at her hormonal peak!

如甲状腺功能亢进之类的某些激素紊乱也会导致肥胖症。Certain hormonal disorders, like hyperthyroidism, also can lead to obesity.

对于内分泌治疗及赫赛汀治疗无效的病例也常常采用化疗。Chemotherapy is often given if hormonal or Herceptin therapy stops working.

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而双酚A会使动物的荷尔蒙系统紊乱。Bisphenol A has been implicated in disrupting the hormonal system of animals.

相反地,现在我正接受荷尔蒙治疗,我的睾丸正在萎缩。Conversely, now that I'm undergoing hormonal therapy, my testicles are shrinking.

植物甾醇是生产甾体药物的重要原料。Phytosterols were important raw material in the production of hormonal medicines.

在青春期给予激素治疗常常能够发育出男性的身体特征。Hormonal treatments in adolescence can often achieve a masculinization of the body.

你吃的食物越没有营养,你身体内的激素平衡就越容易被打破。The poorer your food is nutritionally, the poorer the hormonal balance of your body.

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有人发现,薰衣草与茶树会通过模拟雌激素来产生荷尔蒙紊乱。Lavender and tea-tree were found to cause hormonal disruptions by mimicking oestrogen.

小美和小杰都是13岁的年纪,男女之间的强烈的两性相吸的情感也在他们之间暗流涌动。Mei and Jay are both 13 and there is a fierce hormonal undercurrent also at work here.

可见,萝卜小孢子的败育与内源激素平衡的破坏有关。The endogenous hormonal ratio was interdependent to the microspore abortion of radish.

以前普遍认为荷尔蒙因素和营养不良是引起这些问题的主要原因。Hormonal factors and poor nutrition are thought to play a role in causing these problems.

研究、诊断和治疗人体腺状和内分泌系统的疾病。Investigates, diagnoses and treats disorders of the human glandular and hormonal systems.

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目的研究恒河猴睾丸的激素分泌及其调节作用。Objective The regulation of hormonal secretion in dispersed Leydig cell of rhesus monkey.

怀孕期间在妇女体内发生的化学变化和荷尔蒙改变是巨大的。The chemical and hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy are immense.

服用避孕药或使用避孕贴、植入避孕线的女性不适合该测试。Woman who take birth control pills, use hormonal patches or implants aren't good candidates.