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我很喜欢听他们妙语连珠的对答。I enjoy listening to their witty repartee.

暴力是文盲常采用的巧妙应答。Violence is the repartee of the illiterate.

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感谢你们今天睿智的语言。Thank you for today's repartee. I have enjoyed it.

詹姆斯·斯威尔钦羡山姆尔·森机敏的应答能力。James Boswell admired Samuel Johnson's power of repartee.

詹姆斯·包斯威尔钦羡山姆尔·强森机敏的应答能力。James Boswell admired Samuel Johnson's power of repartee.

但柏利总是笑容可掬,妙语如珠,让你精神一振。But you always get a smile and some witty repartee from him that provides an uplift.

在谈吐中灵敏机智,挥洒自如让你做到特别。Sprinkle in good conversation and witty repartee and you are on to something special.

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从那时起,风格变了,不同类型的手表被添加到妙答。Since then, the styles have changed, different types of watches have been added to the repartee.

在我的演出中,令人两次开怀的大笑是源于我模仿一点孩子们的机敏应答。Two of the biggest laughs I get in my performances come from my imitation of a bit of child repartee.

这些都是应对欧盟REACH法规的一个重要对策。They are an important countermeasure to reply good at repartee to the REACH regulation published by EU.

他少年老成地巧妙地与美国总统尼克松做应答,这显示了他这个中国内地的孩子是个值得瞩目的人物。His precocious repartee with President Nixon showed the world that this son of Mainland China was someone to watch.

从国内氧化铁行业的现状谈起,对中国加入WTO后可能带来的利弊作了分析,并提出了下一步的应对措施和建议。What will happen with our iron oxide industry after joining WTO, advantages and disadvantages and measures at repartee to be taken.

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他幽默诙谐的对答,滑稽动作给滑稽杂技魔术,为他带来不少忠实的客人。His tongue-in-cheek humour mixed with witty repartee along with his comic juggling antics and magic tricks have won him many repeat bookings.

我是个一是一二是二、实话实说的人,想做个巧妙的回答,但却搜肠刮肚半个小时也搜刮不出来。I am a very matter-of-fact, plain-spoken being, and may blunder on the borders of a repartee for half an hour together without striking it out.

这个脱口秀节目的主持人是个高水平的采访者,他那机敏快速的逗乐令他的节目一直保持着生动而热烈的节奏。The talk show host is a skillful interviewer whose deft use of repartee and quick-witted banter keeps his show moving at a lively, almost manic, pace.

欣赏一场精彩的辩论会,不单是一种听觉上的享受,而且也有助于提高本身的知识水平和分析能力。A good debating contest is more than a feast for the ear. The contestants ' brilliant delivery and repartee can be a tonic for one's intellect as well.

与此相对应的则是地方社会应对乏力,生存空间日渐缩小,在与国家的利益角力中日益处于不利和无奈的境地。Meanwhile, the local society's repartee was weak, its existing space was increasingly narrowed, and it was at an unfavorable position in wrestling with state's interest.

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而在电视情景喜剧、诙谐的纽约式妙语对答和即兴单句俏皮话流行的时代,现代意义上的西方智慧似乎更像美国情景喜剧中的台词。In the age of the TV sitcom , witty New York repartee and the instant one-liner, Western wisdom in the modern sense can mean something more like the dialogue from an American sitcom.

他们之间的唇枪舌战是家常便饭,如其中一幕,一个持枪的人闯进他们家,伤了鲍尔。The repartee they shoot back and forth is priceless, such as in one scene the morning after a gunman had broken into their suite and superficially wounded Powell before being subdued and hauled away.