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如果返回值是1,继续实际的调用。if it is 1, proceed to the actual callee.

调用方和被调用方必须就缓冲区的大小达成一致。The caller and callee must agree on the size of the buffer.

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此数目包括在调用方函数中创建的对象。This number includes objects that were created in callee functions.

被召集者是方法所有人,它从方法召集者那里收到信息。The callee is the method owner that receives a message from the method caller.

一个方法调用意味着信息从召集者传向被召集者。A method invocation is represented by a message sent from a caller to a callee.

双击调用方或被调用方函数行可使该行成为当前函数。Double-click a caller or callee function row to make that row the current function.

被调用方必须采取必要措施确保缓冲区不溢出。The callee must take the necessary precautions to ensure that the buffer is not overrun.

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多彩回铃音提供一种基于不同主、被叫的差异化、个性化回铃音服务。Color Ring Back Tone is an individually and diversely service based on caller and callee.

在电话中展现出真诚友善及助人的态度,先行介绍自己和公司。A genuinely friendly and helpful attitude on the phone, identification of company and callee.

此数目包括由被调用方函数调用的函数所分配的字节数。The number includes bytes that were allocated by functions that were called by the callee function.

此数目包括由被调用方函数调用的函数所进行的分配。The number includes allocations that were made by functions that were called by the callee function.

当字符串通过值传递时,被调用方绝不能改变封送拆收器所传递的引用。When a string is passed by value, the callee must never alter the reference passed by the marshaler.

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我们必须接受现实,在C的水平,一个功能将是调用者而且另外一个是被调用者。We must accept that in reality, at the C level, one function will be caller and the other will be callee.

如果按值封送非直接复制到本机结构中的类,则被调用方接收指向该数据结构的副本的指针。If a non-blittable class is marshaled by value, the callee receives a pointer to a copy of the data structure.

非易失寄存器需要在整个函数调用过程中保留其值,并且一旦使用,则必须由被调用方保存。Nonvolatile registers are required to retain their values across a function call and must be saved by the callee if used.

如果按引用封送非直接复制到本机结构中的类,则被调用方接收该数据结构的副本的指针的指针。If a non-blittable class is marshaled by reference, the callee receives a pointer to a pointer to a copy of the data structure.

具体做法是,通过无线电与目标电话附近的一个无线电站取得联系,然后美国本土的站点拨通被叫人的电话。The ham shack here contacts a station in or near the destination of the call and the ham at the stateside end puts in a phone call to the callee.

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在上述的对话中,接话者理应告诉白先生经理何时会返回公司回电,或是主动为他留话。In our conversation above, the callee should have told Mr. Parker when the manager would return to take his call, or offered to take a message for him.

他也讨论了非模块化的调用者和被调用者之间必须知道彼此,因此通常一个微小的修改都会导致大规模的代码变化。He also argues that both are non-modular as the caller and callee must know about each other and often a small change can require wide-scale code change.

一旦被调用函数完成了处理,且如果它曾经分配了局部堆栈空间的话,它将从BP中恢复SP的值,然后把以前的BP值压出堆栈,并通过RETF返回。Once the callee has finished processing, it restores SP from BP if it had allocated local stack space, then pops the previous value of BP, and returns via RETF.