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当然,中国的空气质量不咋地,而且政府有各种令人厌烦的审查。The air in China may be gritty and the censorship irksome.

也会改善欧洲依赖俄罗斯天然气的烦人情形。It would also lessen Europe's irksome dependence on Russian gas.

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“我知道也感到写长信是一件多么令人烦恼的任务”。I know and feel what an irksome task the writing of long letters is"."

在令人厌烦的过程嵌脱毛不像过去是。The irksome process of ingrown hair removal is not like it used to be.

躺在那儿是太烦神了,有一百种没根据的忧虑困扰着我的头脑。It was too irksome to lie up there, harassing my brain with a hundred idle misgivings.

这样就能成功构建系统,但是用起来相当麻烦。This leaves you with a system that would build successfully, but would be quite irksome to use.

他的心情感到沉重、局促不安,依旧一动也不动地坐在那里,因为他不能站起来,不能离开。He began to feel it irksome and awkward, but still he sat on because he could not get up and go.

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许多讨厌的声音,传得很远,听来却像音乐,对于我们卑贱的生活,这真是一个傲然的可爱的讽刺。Many an irksome noise, go a long way off, is heard as music, a proud, sweet satire on the meanness of our lives.

的确,这要算是他讨好国王的事情里面最可厌的一种了。This was, certainly, one of the most irksome grimaces that he had ever executed for the good pleasure of the king.

这家公司还招致了来自道德方面的谴责,这点让其高傲的创始人特别的不快。The company has also come in for ethical criticism, which must be particularly irksome to its high-minded founders.

经过五分钟阴郁的虚伪的谈话之后可以听见飞快走来的步履声。After five minutes of irksome and constrained conversation, they heard the sound of slippered feet approaching rapidly.

虽然中国的空气中可能充斥着沙尘,中国的审查制度也令人感到厌烦,凌晨4点与美国总部的电话会议乏味单调。The air in China may be gritty and the censorship irksome. Conference calls with head offices in America at 4am are tedious.

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一旦订交,不管最后发现这些人是多么讨厌,多么无益,要想摆脱他们就难乎其难了。It is Very difficult to shake them of, however irksome and unprofitable they are found, after we have once committed ourselves to them.

如果圣灵不与你同在,没有照亮你的灵魂,教会聚会就会成为一个单调的事情,圣经就会变成一个令人厌烦的书。Church can become a drab thing and the Bible an irksome Book if the Holy Spirit does not illuminate your soul with His indwelling presence.

这些是我用来调节亮灯,打电话,还有其他使我不能睡着和干扰我的烦恼的琐事所花费的时间。That’s how long it took me to adjust to lights, and phones, and all the other irksome details that go along with being awake and functional.

她去年与约翰·麦凯恩搭档竞选时的无知行为又被翻了出来,令人厌烦之处不减当年。Examples of her celebration of ignorance on the campaign trail with John McCain were also dredged up again – as irksome now as they were then.

而同时登上法国最令人反感人物榜的还有布吕尼的丈夫尼古拉•萨科齐,他跻身法国最令人反感的政治家之列。On top of that, the poll to find the country’s most annoying people found her husband Nicolas Sarkozy to be one of France’s most irksome politicians.

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又一次,他们声名狼藉的球迷在国外闹事了,这一次是在欧洲冠军杯决赛上从小孩子手上抢球票,并且引发了雅典的骚乱。Yet again, their irksome supporters misbehaved overseas, this time snatching tickets out of the hands of youngsters at the Champions League final and generally causing a riot in Athens.