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以谦卑的心敬拜。Worship with humility.

我永远学不会谦让。I never learn humility.

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谦卑是他的人生座右铭.Humility is his life's motto.

但学习需要谦逊。But learning requires humility.

真英雄的特点是谦恭。The mark of a true hero is humility.

谦逊常比傲慢得益更多。Humility often gains more than pride.

不觉醒的人必须练习谦卑。The unawakened must practice humility.

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今天我以非常谦卑的态度与你们谈话。I speak to you today with deep humility.

没有谦逊,这一切都不会发生。Without humility none of this will happen.

当然,堆肥化是一项谦卑的行为。Of course, composting is an act of humility.

体谅关心爱护谦让。Appreciate the concern and care for humility.

Tangney认为谦逊也不等同于谦虚。Humility is not modesty either, Tangney argues.

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“谦逊是我在这里学到的重要一课,”赫西说。"Humility is a big part of my lesson here, " Mr.

只有德国人民具有这种勇气和谦恭态度。Only the Germans had the bravery and the humility.

我们首先要做到谦逊。Well, we have to start but with a dose of humility.

一点点谦卑也可能很适合你。And a smidgen of humility might also serve you well.

慷慨激昂地攻击傲慢,并非谦逊的标志。It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride.

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同时谦虚和怯懦这两者之间的区别也是很明显的。There is a fine line between humility and timidity too.

对于谦虚的人来说,良好的行为发乎自然。Good behavior flows naturally from that kind of humility.

我认为认准一个大丈夫的首要测试就是他的谦逊。I believethefirst test of truly great man is his humility.