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翻译坦塔罗斯是罗底亚富有而又强大的国王。Tantalus was the rich and mighty king of Lydia.

教一个做母亲的人受那种眼睁睁的生离死别的苦痛,您觉得有什么可说的吗?What say you to that torture of Tantalus as applied to a mother?

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在理查德二世之前有另个国王,坦塔罗斯是佛里基亚的国王,现在这里属于土耳其。Long before Richard II there was another king.King Tantalus was king of Phrygia which was where Turkey is now.

在理查德二世之前有另个国王,坦塔罗斯是佛里基亚的国王,现在这里属于土耳其。Long before Richard II there was another king. King Tantalus was king of Phrygia which was where Turkey is now.

神对于此无法宽容,所以可怜的老坦塔罗斯被迫站湖中,水面到达他下巴的高度,他的头上有垂挂着结满果实的树枝。The gods don't take too kindly to that and so poor old Tantalus was made to stand in a lake with water up to his chin.

只是像没有证据表明理查德二世是被tantalized而被饿死,同样没有证据表明坦塔罗斯国王真的有统治过。Just as there’s no evidence that Richard II was actually tantalized into starvation there is also no evidence that king Tantalus actually reigned.

品达笔下的英雄,如背叛了诸神信任的坦塔罗斯和伊克西翁,从奥林匹斯山盛会的光芒中被驱逐到哈德斯之冥府的黑暗之中。Heroes like Tantalus and Ixion in Pindar, who betray the gods' trust in them, are sent from the radiance of Olympian feasts to the utter darkness of Hades.

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神对于此非常的不仁慈,所以可怜的老坦塔罗斯被迫站在水面到他下巴的湖中,他的头上有垂挂着结满果实的树枝。The gods don’t take too kindly to that and so poor old Tantalus was made to stand in a lake with water up to his chin. Overhead were branches of a tree hanging with fruit.

一些罪孽深重,触怒神灵的人,的确会受到一些希腊式的特殊刑罚,这很有意思,你们记得坦塔罗斯Some few people who had sinned terribly and earned the wrath of the gods would, indeed, be tortured in some special and typically Greek, interesting way. You remember Tantalus.

当然,这部作品有很多人物是取材自,经典神话故事,他们是用来表达隐喻的,贯穿着前两册书,他们始终出现,就像丹达罗斯在这一诗篇中,给予诗内容一种喻示。There are, of course, dozens of figures taken from the texts of classical mythology who are alluded to throughout the first two books, but invariably they appear, just as Tantalus does in this very passage, within the context of a simile.