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没有仁爱的美丽毫无用处。Beauty without bounty avails nought.

她的父亲曾是一个领赏而抓捕逃犯者。Her father had been a bounty hunter.

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中禅寺湖的赏金,日光,日本。The bounty of Lake Chuzenji, Nikko, Japan.

登加成了一名独立赏金猎人。Dengar became an independent bounty hunter.

吾名多米诺·哈维,赏金猎人。My name is Domino Harvey -- I’m a bounty hunter.

然而有时候大自然的慷慨是不够的。However, sometimes nature’s bounty is not enough.

尽管副主编保罗更喜欢“赏金熊”。Although Associate Editor Paul prefers the Bounty Bear.

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我祝您福如东海,寿比南山。I wish you bounty happiness and longevity of Methuselah.

如果玩家中了奖,他们会收到邮寄的奖金。If players nab a prize, they receive their bounty by mail.

而裁缝鸟则是仰大自然的恩泽。But tailor's bird then the bounty of admire great universe.

我们这些上“喋血”陷入两难境地。Those of us on board the "Bounty" were caught in a dilemma.

肖恩低声说,“那儿会给我们俩无尽的礼物。Shawn boomed. "There is endless bounty there for both of us.

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万维网的慷慨支持了利基利益。The bounty of the World Wide Web encourages niche interests.

在此期间,对夏季人口的宴请的恩惠。During this time, the population feasted on the summer's bounty.

军功授地是美国土地制度中的一个重要问题。Military bounty land is an important issue in U. S. land system.

“这是对他亲生儿子,奈文人头的悬赏。”我大声地说。"It's a bounty on the head of his own son, Niven, " I said aloud.

在一次悲剧性的任务中,哈尔·霍恩被赏金猎人博斯克杀害。On one tragic mission, Hal Horn was killed by bounty hunter Bossk.

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军功授地是美国土地制度中的一个重要问题。Military bounty land is an important issue in U. S. land system. U.

奥拉成为一个独立的赏金猎人,专职于猎杀绝地。Aurra became an independent bounty hunter specializing in Jedi hunts.

为了把人们的注意力从这个阴谋上引开,IG-88B成为一名赏金猎人。To draw attention away from this plot, IG-88B became a bounty hunter.